Astrology 2020: The Year Sun In Virgo Saved The World

The Sun enters Virgo tomorrow. This is normally a time when astrologers would be talking about the caring (if someone clinical) nature of Virgo. Or, if you’re me, you crack a few jokes about cleaning products.

I’m here to tell you that 2020 is different. Sun in Virgo is here to save us all!

Why the bold statement? Think about it. The world has been a loud, angry mess since late last year, thanks to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. With Mars in Aries now squaring that position? Things are getting messier.

Difficult aspects don’t make everything difficult every day for everyone, though. It’s often the smaller transits that set off an explosion, or lead to salvation. That’s exactly the role the Sun will be performing during its passage through Virgo this year.

This year, Sun in Virgo spends the first third of its time in that Sign forming a trine to Uranus. That’s exactly the kind of energy we need to come up with new and innovative ideas straighten out the situation we all find ourselves in now.

Furthermore, the last two thirds of the Sun’s trip through Virgo will bless us first with a trine to Jupiter, then a trine to Pluto, and finally a trine to Saturn. That strikes me is exactly the kind of healing energy our world needs right now.

I conveniently skipped over the opposition to Neptune this year. I did that for two reasons. First of all, that aspect can come with a kind of wide-eyed spiritual fervour that, when used properly, can get real results. Also, I ignored saying too much about that aspect because I’m a Sagittarius, and it’s been an awful year so far, and I’m finally feeling my good cheer come back. So don’t harsh my groove, man.

And yes, I know Virgo is generally modest, and doesn’t normally make a big deal about itself. It’s not the sort of Sign that normally lends itself well to superhero-style imagery. Well guess what, Virgo? We need all the help we can get right now. Put on the damned cape already and get to work!