Astrology And Economics, Part Three: Saturn And Uranus Can Take This Job And Shove It!

In Part One of this series, I discussed how the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the early 80s, and then the effect of the one that happened in early 2020, set up our current general economic conditions. In Part Two of this series, we talked a little about how supply chain economics are being messed with by the Saturn-Uranus square.

Today, we’re going to attempt to use astrology to solve the mystery of why so many people are now fed and don’t want to go back to the lousy jobs they had before.

Part of the supply chain issue we’re experiencing at the moment Is due to the reasons I outlined last time. There are other factors, such as unexpected natural disasters. Case in point: I live in the Canadian Province of Alberta, and there was recent flooding the took out most of the major highways between here and the province of British Columbia. British Columbia is home to Canada’s busiest port. That’s why at my local store the shelves are nearly bare of antihistamines… and what’s left is pricey as hell.
But one of the biggest factors affecting is a labor shortage.

Because of the economic setup that began in the early 1980s, people have been scrambling for so long at such lousy underpaid jobs in order to make the rent and buy groceries and keep the lights on that, collectively, we’re just sick of it. People know on some level that when they work a back-breaking job at (insert name of A Large Corporation) that won’t even hire them for full-time (because then A Large Corporation might have to pay benefits, oh my!).

This is Saturn square Pluto at (almost) its most literal. Do you want to drop a load of heavy labor for low reward on me (Saturn)? Well up yours, I’m going to go do my own thing (Uranus)!

So remember: sometimes the transits end with results that mean there’s no going back to “normal.” But sometimes that can be a good thing in the long run.