Astrology And The Fall And Rise Of Tiger Woods (Part Two)

Last time here, I discussed how transits to the Midheaven and its ruler can potentially cause a person’s career and public image to crash and burn spectacularly. But where there is life there is hope, and if you stick around long enough bad transits will be replaced by good ones. Tiger Woods has recently proven just that.

Last weekend Tiger rebounded from a long-standing slump to win The Masters Tournament. That’s not surprising when you have a look at the transits he was having to his Midheaven at 23 degrees Gemini, and his Mercury at 26 degrees Capricorn. At the time of his win, the transiting Moon in Leo. In fact, the Moon was in a Grand Trine with Sun in Aries and Jupiter in Sagittarius, all of which were doing great things for his career.

What many may find surprising is that an additional factor was in play that many followers of astrology are actively very concerned about. I am referring to the Saturn Pluto conjunction, which is only now beginning to take effect and reaches its peak in January 2020.

If you’ve been following astrology for a while, it’s easy for you to have come to the conclusion that a Saturn Pluto conjunction is automatically going to be a house of horrors for everyone. That’s simply not the case.

Think of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction as a chance to blow something up, and then reassemble the fragments into something better. Sure, that sounds scary. But keep in mind that some things need to be blown up. What needed blowing up in Tiger’s case was his career, and the Saturn Pluto conjunction coming into effect now is entering range of his Mercury… ruler of his Midheaven.

This transit still has a long way to go, and as far as potential negative effects, Tiger isn’t exactly out of the, um, Woods just yet. But the Masters win last weekend is certainly an encouraging sign.