Astrology, Dave Chapelle, And The Entertainment Industry

I was initially scheduled to post part two of a series I’m writing about Neptune and the entertainment industry. Specifically, opposing about entertainment and economics, with a specific look at Disney stock.

Instead, I’m presenting some breaking news about a somewhat related subject.

Comedian Dave Chappelle posted a video on his Instagram account this week, in which he asked his fans not to watch episodes of his old Comedy Central show until he gets paid more for them. “I’m begging you, if you ever liked me, if you ever think there was anything worthwhile about me, I’m begging you, please don’t watch that show,” Dave told his fans. “I’m not asking you to boycott any network. Boycott me. Boycott Chappelle’s Show.”

This is a pretty unusual thing for a professional of any type to say, but Dave has his reasons. He produced, wrote, and appeared in his classic comedy series Chappelle’s Show under contracts to CBS. This seemed like a good thing at the time, but now Dave has a problem with the arrangement he made at the time. The astrology that goes into this is fascinating.

The show premiered on Comedy Central in January 2003. At that time, transiting Saturn was in late Gemini and transiting Uranus was in late Aquarius. Both planets were closely aspecting Dave’s Midheaven at 27 Gemini and aspecting his Second House Uranus at 20 Libra. So: perfect conditions to make a ton of money off of the starring role in a hit TV show with your name on it, right?

Not so fast there.

You see, the production deal Dave signed with ViacomCBS (owner of the series) cut him a raw deal as far as syndication rights go. Imagine you star in a TV show that everyone loves and makes good money for you… but then it goes into re-runs and gains in reputation and popularity, but you get a relative pittance for it. If you were born with Saturn in conjunction range of your Midheaven, then the run-up to your Saturn Return can reward hard work… but it’s no cake walk. Or as Chapelle himself put it: “I signed the contract the way a 28-year-old expectant father that was broke signs a contract. I was desperate and needed a way out. And it wasn’t good money and it wasn’t good circumstances but, ‘what else am I gonna do?’ I said.”

Fortunately though, Netflix (at least) has dropped the show out of kindness to Dave… and Dave being a big ticket draw for Netflix with his comedy specials probably didn’t hurt.

But Dave’s still getting a raw deal with the reruns on HBO Max. Will he be able to straighten this out? Something tells me that the Grand Conjunction in Aquarius next month, trine Dave’s Venus-Pluto conjunction, will bring good news for him.