Astrology, Denver, And Magic Mushrooms

On Wednesday, the city of Denver, Colorado voted to decriminalize the use of psilocybin, the hallucinogen found in what are commonly called “magic mushrooms.” If you know your astrology, you won’t be the least bit surprised that Neptune was a major player when that vote happened.

There are a few different “birthdays” for The City Of Denver, and the most applicable one appears to be the incorporation date: November 7, 1861. That chart features a close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. If the speculative time of “birth” (noon) is correct, that conjunction is in the 9th House, which rules “the law.” Even if it isn’t, Jupiter and Saturn have a lot to do with legalities and restrictions.

When Denver legalized the mushrooms, transiting Jupiter in Sagittarius was rolling back to square that conjunction, and (surprise, surprise!) transiting Neptune was opposite that Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Furthermore, the 1861 chart has Neptune in the powerful 29th degree (the “anaretic degree”) of Pisces — the Sign that is ruled by Neptune.

As the natural ruler of intoxication, it’s to be expected that we see Neptune as a major player in matters of legalization.

  • When the United States enacted Prohibition, transiting Mercury and Uranus were quincunx America’s Neptune in Virgo, and its ruler, Mercury in Cancer.
  • There was also a Sun-Neptune opposition in effect when Prohibition was repealed, and transiting Neptune was sextile America’s Sun and Saturn.
  • Portugal performed a major realignment of their drug laws in 2001 (almost, but not quite, legalizing everything) and at that time transiting Neptune was trine Portugal’s Mars — the traditional ruler of the country’s Ascendant.
  • When Canada decriminalized marijuana, transiting Neptune was almost stationary and trine Canada’s Sun, Uranus and Saturn, and sextile Canada’s Pluto.

And finally, a special message to anyone reading this who is actually in Denver: don’t panic. It’s going to be okay. Your screen isn’t melting… you just overdid it.