#Astrology #QPedoGateAnon #SaveTheZodiac #JupiterSextileNeptune

Foolish me! I was so optimistic!

I was under the impression that, given all the difficult transits we face lately, one of the few saving graces would be Jupiter sextile Neptune. joining the two planets of “life philosophy” and “higher spirituality” with a gentle sextile was going to, I assumed, help people find the better angels of their nature and help us get through all this crap.

I completely neglected that it would make some people to some stupid and destructive beliefs just for the sake of having something to Believe In, rather than recognizing but real life is sometimes a disorganized, annoying mess.


Facebook recently blocked (and then apparently unblocked) the hashtag “savethechildren.” for those of you unfamiliar with it, this particular #is ostensibly dedicated to spreading information to stop child trafficking and pedophilia. Sounds good, right?

Unfortunately the hashtag was hijacked bye followers of both the QAnon conspiracy theory and people spreading dangerous disinformation about COVID-19.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, here’s QAnon in a nutshell. Apparently Donald Trump discovered the existence of a worldwide ring of billionaires and celebrities who regularly kidnap, abuse, and torture hundreds of thousands of children a year, in part in order to suck the chemicals out of their brains and get high. The Mueller investigation was actually a secret Trump-Mueller team-up dedicated to bring down this ring (possibly with help from Vladimir Putin), and sometime in December last year thousands of billionaires and celebrities were rounded up, and evil was defeated forever. or at least that’s what was supposed to happen. But it could happen any day now, really!

I’m going to give you a moment to sit down and absorb that last paragraph. If you want to learn more about this nonsense, you can look it up, but I won’t spread it. However, I’d suggest that you sit down and research some legitimate sources about how widespread child abduction and human trafficking really is. It’s a tragedy — one made worse now that the resources of those organizations fighting these things are now tied up having to deal with this lunacy.

I’ve had to get away from Facebook recently because I’m tired of fighting all the blatant disinformation around this subject. It’s like trying to convince someone who is saying they have clear evidence that Jesus will return next week that people have been saying this for about two thousand years now, with no results.

So instead, I’ve produced a series of astrology-based memes that have at least a small basis in fact, but have been twisted to display the paranoid nonsense that so many conspiracy theorists eat up with a spoon.

I’m sure there are a few Facebook friends of mine who will block me because of this. I’m okay with that. As for the rest of you? Feel free to spread this blog entry around and re=post the memes I’ve made as much as humanly possible, BECAUSE THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THE POWERS-THAT-BE DON’T WANT YOU TO DO!!!