“Bad” Planets, Good Results: Venus in Virgo

A planet is said to be “exalted” when it is in the Sign where (theoretically) it does its very best work. In theory, that means a planet that is opposite the Sign in which is exalted must be in deep trouble. If you have Venus in Virgo, you’ve probably come across some things that some sources say that will make you sound as if you are doomed in any department of life that is related to Venus.

(By the way, I have this personal theory but it’s popular with some people to pick on any placement that is in Virgo. I think the reason for this is because Virgo, overall, is a fairly caring and considerate Sign, regardless of the planet involved. Thus, Virgo is a little easier to bully than most other Signs. Next time this happens to you Virgo, drop me a line. Me and the other Fire Signs will go have a word with that jerk.)

So, I made this for you, dear friends with Venus in Virgo: some snappy comebacks you can keep in your head for the next time you see someone picking on Venus in Virgo.

  • You may not be very attractive.

Sure. Just like Julia Roberts Chris Hemsworth or Catherine Zeta-Jones or Anthony Banderas or Brigitte Bardot or Charlize Theron?

  • You could you lacking in creative ability.

Oh, you mean, like Eminem? John Lennon? Robin Williams? J.K. Rowling?

  • You’re not very good with money.

Do you have any idea how much Kim Kardashian has made, and it all started with one semi-famous parent and a sex tape?

Above and beyond those examples, Venus and Virgo just tends to be flat-out caring and considerate, and understands the value of the occasional act of minor self-sacrifice within a relationship. Why on Earth would anyone have a problem with that?