Does Nicki Minaj Use An Astrologer?

Rap artist Nicki Minaj (whose issues with Cardi B I wrote about HERE) recently announced that she is retiring in order to focus on having a family. This came as a surprise to most, and naturally my first response was to look up her birth chart and transits. And I admit it: based on what I saw, Nicki’s retirement is a brilliant move. So brilliant, in fact, that I’m suspicious she consulted with an astrologer before she came to this decision.

Nicki Minaj was born December 8 1982, 9:25 AM, Port of Spain, Trinidad (although we should be cautious about this, as the original source for that time of birth has disappeared, although it looks right to me). For career matters, we look to the Midheaven and the 10th House of the birth chart. Nicki’s MC (Midheaven) is at 9 degrees Scorpio, its modern ruler (Pluto) is at 28 degrees Libra, and the MC’s traditional ruler (Mars) is at 28 degrees Capricorn.

No matter how you slice it, those points are going to be subject to some really difficult transits. Transiting Uranus will be square her Midheaven for the next few years. Transiting Pluto has only really begun the conjunction to her Mars and the square to her Pluto, and those transits have years to go as well.

So what do you tell a client facing that kind of stress? I always let clients know that even though you can’t change your transits, you can change your response to them. And frankly, in this case, “retirement” (at least for now) and changing course with one’s life is probably the absolutely best response to these transits… especially when you consider that Mercury, the ruler of Nicki’s 5th House (children) isn’t getting any bad aspects at all any time soon.

Thus, I’ve come to the conclusion that Nicki Minaj has an astrologer… and a good one at that. But, if you’re reading this, Nicki? No harm in getting a second opinion. Call me!