Enjoy The Sagittarius Experience (While It Lasts!)

Please keep in mind that November is the last full month that Jupiter will be in Sagittarius until 2030. Imagine having to wait that long until fully enjoying The Sagittarius Experience! Since Jupiter is the planet that rules Sagittarius, it is an excellent time for you to really feel what it’s like to be a Sagittarius, even if you don’t have any actual Sagittarius placements in your own birth chart. And, well… since those Centaur folks seem to usually be having a good time at any given point, why not try it out? The Sun also enters Sagittarius as well on November 23… don’t miss out on the fun!

Here are some fun and easy tips on how you can spend November being a Sagittarius as possible.

-sit down at a coffee shop next to a couple who are arguing about something. Interrupt them with a long digression about the inherent flaws in human communications. Walk away thinking you’ve made everything better.

-spend the day at work, but instead of sitting at your desk or workstation, stand and stare out the window all day. Point out the window and shout “doggy!!‘ whenever you see one.

-trip over something. Heck, trip over everything.

-be friendly to a potential romantic rival in front of your current Significant Other. When your significant other accuses you of flirting, respond with you think that’s flirting? I’ll show you flirting!

-end as many sentences as possible with the phrase “in my pants.”Example: “the sales department predicts a 12% expansion of the market next quarter… in my pants!”

-drink as many beers as possible in as short a period of time as possible, then burp out the national anthem.

-if a child asks for your simple “yes or no” opinion on something, answer with a long-winded digression based on one or more of your fields of expertise. If an adult asks for your opinion on something that’s inherently complicated, answer with “it’s poopy” and then wander off.

-make pre-paid funeral arrangements for yourself. Make sure the tombstone says something like “But I Was Feeling Lucky!”