Everyone Loves Ellen DeGeneres (except most of the people who know her)!

Everyone loves Ellen DeGeneres, it seems. And why not? Born January 26th 1958, 8:43 AM, Metairie, Lousiana, Ellen has a fun loving and popular chart, with Sun and Venus conjunct in Aquarius, and with Jupiter and Neptune squaring it to add some bounce. Her 11th House (friends and community), is ruled by her Saturn on the Midheaven — which in turn are ruled by that fun-loving Jupiter. She has a reputation for generosity and has done a lot for charity.

So why are so many of her employees coming out now with tales of her show being a toxic work environment? Have another look at that chart. Ellen has Sun opposite Uranus. The Sun is the ruler of her Sixth House, which is often associated with health but is also traditionally called “the House of Servants”: her employees. Uranus, in turn, is in the 6th House in Leo. When two planets are in each other’s signs of rulership (like in the case, Sun in Aquarius and Uranus in Leo), it’s called a “mutual reception.” This tends to have an amplifying effect on both planets and the things they rule.

Throw in a square from transiting Uranus to both her Sun and natal Uranus, and what do you get? In this case, a sudden outpouring of claims from past and current staff of bullying and racism. Buzzfeed recently released a new story about eleven current or former employees

Oh, and a that recent interview with a former bodyguard who called her “cold” and “demeaning”? That isn’t helping either.

As of this writing, Ellen hasn’t addressed any of this publicly yet. This is what Eric Schiffer, chairman of Reputation Management Consultants, is calling “celebrity brand suicide.”

So, will Ellen finally say something and try to make amends? Hopefully… but that Uranus transit will be in effect for a long time yet. In fact, by next spring, it will be joined by a square from transiting Saturn in Aquarius.

Better ‘fess up and make nice now, Ellen. This isn’t going to get any easier on you.