Lunar Eclipse In Scorpio: But What About The Celebrities?

One of the great things about “celebrity astrology” is that it gives us the opportunity to look the charts and transits of people whose lives are pretty well documented (and are probably more exciting than yours or mine).

Eclipses don’t usually have their full effect on the day they happen. Rather, they mark a sensitive point in a birth chart that can be triggered (alongside other transits) at any point between when the Eclipse happens and the next set of Eclipses (in this case, April/May 2022).

I have a dig through my celebrity database, and here are some famous people taking a strong hit from today’s Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Watch these folks for surprises in the next few months!

ADAM DRIVER (born November 19, 1983, 12:34 PM, Fontana California)

Adam’s Sun is at almost 27 degrees Scorpio, and in addition his Moon at 18 degrees Taurus is going to be hit by the sqaure from transiting Saturn early next year. Although I’m not seeing any obviously bad transit for his career, there could be something brewing in his personal life…

JOE BIDEN (born November 20, 1942, 8:30 AM, Scranton Pennsylvania)
Nope. Not gonna get political here. Just going to note that this Eclipse is closely conjunct his Sun and Venus at 27-26 Scorpio. And those placements are in his Twelfth House, alongside traditional ruler of his twelefth (Mars, currently being squared by transiting Saturn). But nope. Not getting into it. Just stay tuned.

RUPAUL (born November 17, 1960, 6:52 PM, San Diego California)
Ru has been at the top of her career lately, with spin-offs of RuPaul’s Drag Race and other projects. But with a Eclipse conjunct here Sun and sqaure her Uranus, and Saturn finishing the square her Mercury and Neptune (with Neptune being her Midheaven ruler), is RuPaul about to blow a tire on that success track she’s been on?

MILEY CYRUS (born November 23, 1992, 4:19 PM, Nashville Tennessee)

Miley has her natal Moon, Mercury. and Pluto clustered between 23 and 27 Scorpio. Also, transiting Saturn is now ono her Midheaven and she’s having her Saturn Return and… MIley? Miley? OMG HAS ANYONE SEEN MILEY LATELY?