Mars Conjunct Saturn, Square Uranus: Ballroom Blitz!

And the man in the back said “everyone attack”
And it turned into a ballroom blitz!
And the girl in the corner said “boy I want to warn you
It’ll turn into a ballroom blitz!”
Ballroom blitz!

Sweet, Ballroom Blitz (1974)

Mars is still in Capricorn, and won’t officially enter Aquarius until March 30th, but is now coming within conjunction range of Saturn. Normally this would be a time when I would be warning you about losing your temper, overreacting, and generally flipping your lid.

This time though, there are two complicating factors making this aspect more perilous than usual.

First of all, even though the aspect will not be exact until sometime in 2021, Saturn in Aquarius is within range of the square to Uranus, which is currently at 3 degrees Taurus. Saturn square Uranus is a particularly difficult aspect. It can indicate a time when things that should go right go wrong, your best plans go astray, and freaky circumstances overcome common

Mars will be interacting with that square from about the end of this week until around the 10th of April. What does that mean? Take everything I said in the last paragraph, and add a dash of anger and impatience to it.

The second risk factor? So many of us are in quarantine, and we are feeling pretty cooped up. By the time this aspect hits, we’re going to feel even more impatient and agitated and housebound.

I have been quietly urging people that, under the current conditions, we should all try to reach out to each other more with love and patience and kindness. For the next three weeks or so? I’m not going to be quietly saying that. I’m going to be shouting it.

So: don’t be the guy who starts the fight. Don’t give in to impulse or frustration. And above all, let’s be kind and sane to each other.

Want to know more about what Saturn in Aquarius will be doing to both the world at large and you as an individual in 2020? Join me tomorrow for a Facebook Live presentation on the Astrologeeks Facebook page, at 7 PM Eastern / 3 PM Pacific. Feel free to bring your birth chart!