Mars In Aries, A Forest Fire, And A Gender Reveal Party Gone VERY Wrong

On Saturday, the El Dorado fire started due to a poorly thought-out pyrotechnic device at a gender reveal party near Yucaipa, California. There are a few surprises to this incident, but none of them involve astrology.

We shouldn’t be surprised that Mars square Saturn might lead to an increase in wildfires. Mars rules fire, after all. And whenever Mars causes a fire or an explosion or a shooting incident, it almost always makes a strong aspect to the local Ascendant or Midheaven. And yes, at 10:23 AM local time, Saturday, Mars in Aries was closely conjunct the Descendant, thus was opposite the Ascendant.

What’s even more interesting is that at the time, Mercury was getting ready to leave Virgo. Virgo was the Sign on the local Eleventh House at the time the fire started. Mercury was essentially Void of Course, which is a term that is normally only applied to the Moon. The Eleventh House is the general ruler of parties and social gatherings. And “Void of Course” often means things are about to go contrary to what you had planned.

So no, none of the astrology here surprises me. It’s rare to have an exact time and location recorded for the start of a forest fire, which is admittedly rare. But the actual chart is pretty much what any astrologer could tell you it would be.

What does surprise me about this, though?

First: This fire which has claimed about 47,000 acres and has caused (as of this writing) more than eight million dollars in damage was started by a guy named Dennis Dickey. He is a US Border Patrol agent. How did this guy not know that you don’t go around setting off pyrotechnics in dry grassland at this time of year in California?

Second: We’re in an age where we’re becoming more sensitive to things like “gender identity,” and to not strictly enforcing traditional gender roles. So how are “gender reveal parties” even a thing still?