Mars In Aries: The Angry Red Dot

“How much blood will spill until everybody does what they’re always going to have to do from the very beginning — SIT DOWN AND TALK!”

-Doctor Who

I’ve been making a point recently of standing outside and looking at the sky. Specifically, I look to the east about a couple of hours after sunset. That’s where Mars is right now, and Mars retrograde has begun.

You’ve probably all heard that when a planet is retrograde, one should be cautious with its energies. When Mercury is retrograde, for example, it’s time to proofread more and speak impulsively less. What some of you probably don’t know is that a retrograde planet is actually brighter than usual. And during this painful Mars retrograde, that planet and all it portends will all become more important.

If you got anything resembling halfway decent visibility in the sky where you live, go have a look at the sky, to the west, a couple of hours after sunset. There’s Mars, the angry red dot. That’s him. That’s the guy making for so much disturbance in the world now.

Watch Mars and reflect on where you are directing your anger and your fire. You can sit and listen to an astrologer talk all day long about these things, but there’s no substitute for actually seeing it for yourself. Feel what Mars is doing to you and your world, then learn to work better with it.

Then, once you’ve done that? I have a surprise for you. Follow the band of the zodiac to the west from that red dot. At a separation of about 90°, from the red dot you’ll see another one. It’s not as bright as Mars, but it’s still brighter than usual.

That cheerful little orange dot you’ll see is Jupiter, also currently retrograde. Jupiter is the planet of hope, of faith, and of optimism.

And there you have it. The battle between anger and optimism, laid out for you in striking detail. And remember this when you are looking at that fainter orange dot: most of the time when there is a struggle between planets (the square aspect in this case), it’s the slower planet that “wins.”

Jupiter retrograde ends Saturday, and that means the square between Mars and Jupiter will become more intense. Internal and external battles will both be waged.

In some ways this means things will get worse before they get better. But things will eventually, I assure you, be better. Mars is playing the bugle, leading the cavalry charge on one side. But on the other side? I’m hearing the trumpet of the Archangel Michael. Have you heard of him? He’s the guy who had the honor of kicking Lucifer’s sorry ass out of Heaven.

So yeah, I guess you could say I’ve picked a side in this battle. I hope you all do too, and I hope you choose wisely.