Omar Jimenez: Arrested Under A Void Of Course Moon

Like many American reporters, Omar Jimenez was busy last Thursday night and Friday morning. Omar (born November 27, 1983, Worcester Massachusetts) was on the scene in Minneapolis, covering the riots there happening in the wake of the death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, for the crime of (allegedly) having a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.

Even without a time of birth, it looks to me like Omar has a pretty decent birth chart for being a reporter. His Sun and four planets (including Jupiter) in Sagittarius would tend to give him a far-ranging mind that enjoys finding new information. Saturn and Pluto in Scorpio would probably help him digging deeply into things. And I’m sure his Moon in Virgo isn’t allergic to doing a little fact-checking either.

With transiting Jupiter and Pluto conjunct his natal Neptune of late, is easy to see how there could be big things going on in his life. Certainly the exposure for his work on CNN during the riot has helped — but not in the way he would probably have liked.

You see, it was shortly after 5 AM in Minneapolis when Omar and his cameraman were recording a group of riot police. The two were ordered to move, and complied without complaint or hesitation. Frankly, there wasn’t a heck of a lot going on to film with the time. But at 5:10 AM local time, the cops slapped the cuffs on Omar and arrested him and his cameraman on live, national TV.

However, seeing as the Moon was Void of Course (a condition that indicates that things may very well not turn out as planned) at the time of the arrest, we shouldn’t be surprised that no charges were laid and that he was released.

As to why this happened to him and not other reporters in a very similar situation that evening? That’s an excellent question. I’m not sure the astrology can cover that.

Given that Omar is a black man, however, I’ll leave it to you to fill in that particular blank.