Prance Your Way Through Pluto Retrograde!

Pluto has turned retrograde, just short of 25 degrees Capricorn. This retrograde will continue until October 4th, at 22 degrees Capricorn. This means that Pluto will be covering all the ground it has for this year two more times. This particular retrograde started with a conjunction to Jupiter, amplifying Pluto’s effects.


I live in a house on the side of a hill, and have a clear view of the schoolyard that’s three or four blocks away. It’s been pretty quiet there with the school closed, but when I was out yesterday I saw something very peculiar going on out there. An adult man was prancing through the otherwise empty schoolyard. Actually prancing! You know — bouncing along in a gleeful, child-like manner, waving his arms in the air and flopping his head around and that sort of thing. Clearly this was a man who was enjoying his life.


Jupiter also turns retrograde in May, and that will mean a second conjunction with Pluto. This particular conjunction happens at 24 degrees Capricorn, with Saturn retrograde re-entering Capricorn the next day.


I looked again several minutes later. The man was still in the school yard but he wasn’t prancing anymore. He was just walking back and forth — more like trudging really — with his head hanging down. He had lost steam but was still going.


The final Jupiter-Pluto conjunction of 2020 will take place in November at 22 degrees Capricorn. This will be in a close opposition to the United States of America’s natal Mercury. The conjunction will be within half a degree of exact on November 3rd this year, when transiting Uranus is square the United States’ North and South nodes, and Saturn approaches the conjunction to America’s natal Pluto, with the Pluto return happening in 2021.


I looked once again a few minutes later after that. He was sitting on the ground with his head bent over. It was too hard to tell from this distance, but I think he was sobbing.