Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius: Mostly Harmless?

Tomorrow there will be a Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees Sagittarius. Any Eclipse can bring unexpected results — sometimes on the day it happens, or any time between that and the next set of Eclipses. We probably shouldn’t worry about them too much. But there are some features to this Eclipse that make it particularly… interesting.

First of all, we are approaching the final peak of the Saturn-Uranus square. If you find yourself reading those words and thinking “unusual surprises around the things that have made 2021 such a scrambled, fretful, and annoying year”… you might just be right.

This Eclipse features a close quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. I don’t normally waste a lot of time worrying about quincunxes, and you probably shouldn’t either. But given that Uranus, the Planet of Quirky, is involved, and that the quinucnx is the “quirky” aspect, and the last thing any of us needs this year is more “quirky”… this may be some cause for concern.

And come to think of it, it probably doesn’t help that there is a close square happening between Mars in Scorpio and Jupiter in Aquarius.

One of the problems with interpreting transits is that there is often a tendency to pick out the “big, bad, and obviously scary” ones — but not the quieter and more gentle ones, which can have just as much effect. There’s also a bit of good news to be unpacked here.

Among all the potential perils of this Eclipse, let’s look at the most obvious thing we may be missing. Venus is about to go retrograde, which means it is travelling unusually slowly right now. It is now within conjunction range of Pluto, and because of the retrograde that conjunction, which normally would last for only about a week, will stretch until about New Year’s Day. Mars is sextile that conjunction . This could be an excellent time for personal breakthroughs as far as love and affection or finances.

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to be hiding under the bed just to be safe…