The Astrology Of My Big Valentine’s Day Break-Up

Many of you are cynical about Valentine’s Day. I can understand that. If you already love someone and are in a relationship, it’s a bit naggy to be told that today you absolutely must be romantic. If you are single and don’t want to be single, Valentine’s Day can be pretty sad. And if you are in a bad relationship, or hate the idea of being in one? Good luck having fun on February 14th!

Me personally? The commercialism bothers me. That, and of course, the terrible thing that happened in February 1982 during the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Libra square my Descendant….

(Oh, what, you don’t know the Scorpio story from my e-book, Twelve Signs Of Love? Good thing my email address is at the bottom of this page. Write and get a copy! It’s free!)

…So it’s pretty obvious that I have earned the right to be a little cynical about Valentine’s Day.

Today I would like to offer you a personal story about my biggest Valentine’s Day breakup of them all.

You see, even though in 1983 Saturn and Pluto were square my Descendant, this Valentine’s Day Saturn and Pluto have completed the conjunction to my Descendant, and Jupiter is rapidly approaching that point. What’s more, the Moon is conjunct my natal Fifth House Neptune, and transiting Neptune is trine that point.

…and that’s why I’ve decided to break up with my cynicism about Valentine’s Day.

Cynicism about love, in all of its forms, is like a suit of armour. It can protect you from disappointment. What’s more, it can make you feel smarter than the other people who continue to risk their hearts pursuing flawed human beings.

…But I now believe that suit of armour gets heavier and stiffer over time. For all the bad things it protects you from, it also keeps good things away. This is something I would like you all to consider if you feel bitter or cynical about Valentine’s Day. No one’s telling you to run out and get married tomorrow. But maybe, just maybe, being a kinder and less cynical human being might make your life a better place. It might make the world a better place too. Maybe love — personal or Universal or something in between — is waiting for you.

Stop and think about that.

Happy Valentine’s Day!