The Great Christmas Eclipse/Hangover Of 2019

Shortly after midnight Eastern time on December 26th (thus, late Christmas evening for most of North and South America) there will be a Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees Capricorn. Any New Moon (which a Solar Eclipse is) can have an effect on the following month, but this one comes with some interesting features.

First of all, the Sun and Moon are in a close conjunction to Jupiter. This is likely to have two main effects. First of all, moods and relations can go a little haywire during any New Moon, especially when that new moon is also an eclipse. With the involvement of Jupiter, for many people that haywire may turn out to be a lot of fun too. For others it may simply be excessive. And, to be honest? There’s going to be more than the usual amount of drunken partying going on tonight because of the holiday. Let’s be careful out there.

One thing to keep in mind is that the effects of an Eclipse linger until the next set of Eclipses, and in this case that is in June of 2020. This is going to be particularly important for those of you with significant placements close to 4 degrees Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. This means that the effects of this transit may include some interesting surprises somewhere in the next few months.

Mostly though, this will be a good evening to sit in quietly reflect about the things you want to change in your life in the next month, and perhaps beyond. And if somehow this New Moon makes trouble for you? Just remember that your actions can have an effect for years to come, and it fighting over the last can of beer or the last turkey drumstick is no way to usher out what has already been a difficult year for many of us. That, and you’ll just have to own up to any trouble you cause tonight when tomorrow rolls around — and weren’t you going to have enough of a hangover then, even without that?