Venus in Libra 2021 (With Accessories!)

Venus is now in Libra, and it passes through that Sign (which it rules) until September 10th when it enters Scorpio. Just because Venus is strongly placed there doesn’t guarantee success in your love life — but it can really help pull things together. And as any Libra can tell you, what really pulls an astrological forecast together is having the right accessories!

Aug 23, 2021: Venus trine Saturn
This can be a great time to bring stability to a romantic relationship , better than average mileage out of your romantic efforts.
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: Prenuptial agreement, possibly handcuffs.

Aug 26, 2021: Venus opposite Chiron
This can be a time when romantic efforts can accidentally be tripped up by either your complexes or the other person’s complexes. Try to not overreact to what seems to be a major (but maybe unintended) insult.
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: Gift certificate for relationship counselling

Aug 28, 2021: Venus quincunx Uranus
Romance may thrive on new and exciting adventures with the loved one, but this particular aspect could prove to be a bit much. Fun? Sure. Stable? Hell no!
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: A translation app for your phone, for when you get lost in Little Nepal looking for that restaurant.

Sep 5, 2021: Venus square Pluto
This is a time when your longings can be particularly demanding. It can be extremely difficult to make anything stable of it.
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: Glittery, fashionable crash helmet

Sep 6, 2021: Venus trine Jupiter
May not be the absolute best expect for long-term romantic stability, but it’s fantastic for having a good time on a date. Don’t forget that love can include laughter.
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: A romantic comedy, but make sure it’s a good one.

Sep 10, 2021: Venus enters Scorpio
RECOMMENDED FASHION ACCESSORY: Nothing I can discuss in front of the kids. Meet me out back in five minutes.