We Need To Talk About The New Moon In Cancer, America

If you’ve followed my work for long, you know that I’m usually a big fan of the New Moon. I always see it as an opportunity to sit down and very carefully focus on the things you want to change in your life in the next 28 days, and (hopefully) get good results. A Full Moon might make things crazy for a little while, but a New Moon seems to set the stage for the big events in the month ahead. Taken on its own, it may not be a big driver of events. But in combination with other major aspects it can be a clear indicator of where things are headed in the near future.

That’s why we need to talk, America.

The New Moon on July 20 is happening at 28° Cancer. It’s happening within less than a degree of the exact opposition to America’s natal Pluto. Transiting Saturn, in turn, is about a degree away from the exact conjunction to America’s natal Pluto.

Although astrologers differ over what the correct time of birth is for America, the chart that seems to work best gives it a birth time of 5:10 PM. This makes Pluto the ruler of America’s 12th House, which has a strong association with mental health issues and “self-undoing.” Furthermore, this New Moon is happening in America’s 8th house, which has a strong association with death.


Some recent news headlines:

“Woman is arrested for ‘URINATING on the floor of a Verizon store after refusing to leave for not wearing a face mask’ in California”

“Louisiana man accused of backing car into officer who asked him to wear mask at Walmart”

“Bus Driver Brain Dead After Trying to Stop Passengers Boarding Without Mask”

…I’m guessing you can see where I’m going with this.


We — that is, the rest of the world — are all wishing the best for you. But until you guys get it together, get over your petulance, and do the right things to solve your various problems, Canada isn’t going to reopen its borders to you. Neither will the European Union. And don’t expect Australia or New Zealand or France or Spain or India or Saudi Arabia to warm up to that idea anytime soon, either.

I have a lot of faith in you, America. I’ve always loved you guys. So please keep in mind that when I say this, I say this in the spirit of a true friend:

Get your act together and don’t destroy yourselves. This could be the month you make that decision, whether you realize it or not.

Your Canadian astrologer buddy,

Matthew Currie.