Why George Floyd Died.

Why did George Floyd die on Monday, after being arrested on suspicion of trying to use a $20 counterfeit bill? To be honest, I’ve been unable to find a date of birth for him, so we can’t go by that. But we do have a “birth date” for the City of Minneapolis, where he died.

Minneapolis was “born” on March 3, 1855 (time unknown). In past, elsewhere, I’ve written about how the transits to a city’s birth chart can reflect why certain historical events happened in those places at that time. For example, Minneapolis was “born” with Mars at 20 degrees Pisces, almost precisely where transiting Neptune is now. That could symbolize “unthinking use of force.”

But of course, that isn’t why George Floyd died.

Transiting Uranus can bring sudden and startling events. Transiting Uranus is at 8 degrees Taurus now, riding the midpoint between the city’s natal Pluto and Uranus in Taurus. One might have expected something explosive to happen, had one been looking for it.

But of course, that isn’t why George Floyd died.

The city’s Saturn is at 9 degrees Gemini, and at 7;25 PM local time, when George was declared dead, the transiting Sun was approaching that point — and was setting.

But of course, that isn’t why George Floyd died.

Whenever there is an incidence of violence, we also need to look at where transiting Mars was at the time. On Monday, transiting Mars was approaching 9 degree Pisces, approaching the exact square to natal Saturn in the chart of Minneapolis. That sort of thing often carries a risk of some sort of terrible outburst.

But of course, that isn’t why George Floyd died.

Nonetheless, after taking a deep dive into the matter, I can tell you exactly why this happened. Why, after not resisting arrest (which we know thanks to security camera footage from across the street)? Why did this black man die after having his neck pinned to the ground with a white cop’s knee?

You know as well as I do. And you’ll know why it happens next time. And next time. And next time. And next time.