What does this mean?

How this transit might manifest.

The relentless force of your willpower comes into conflict with the obstinate need to be tolerant in the situations that you find yourself in. Dealing with things that cause you inconvenience isn’t easy for you, and you are more tempted to utilize whatever means necessary to return to a state of solace. Diplomacy is lost to the desire to push headstrong into the direction that will gain you the advantage for winning the battle. This is a time of heightened creative potential and you can burn off some of your excess energy through artistic or imaginative pursuits. Being more sexually active, or at least wanting to be, is common during this transit, but you aren’t likely to have much luck and could get into some type of conflict with your current lover.

If Venus is the ruler of the First House:

You carry a bit of and irritable edge to your outer personality, causing some hardship when dealing with others, but also giving you an advantage in situations where you need to fight for what you want. It is overall more difficult for you to take action or make a decision, and they tend to be based on seeking bodily comfort or relief from internal frustration. There is an inclination to feel more physically energized or even restless, but you may not be able to exercise this increased vitality or simply act in a reckless or dangerous fashion.

If Venus is the ruler of the Second House:

Your financial situation can encounter some difficulties, either due to overspending, some type of decrease in income or may disagree with someone over money and how it should be budgeted. Your personal values may cause you some frustration or someone may challenge your stance on something and it will be hard for you to use reason to overcome them. This is not a good time to buy, sell or invest in anything since you aren’t as good at determining the worth of yourself or material items.

If Venus is the ruler of the Third House:

The way in which you communicate is more forceful and carries an aggressive overtone, leading to misunderstandings and you have a harder time discussing things reasonably overall. Interactions with friends, relatives and neighbors are more tense than usual, leading to conflicts of interest and possibly even outright arguments. Errands and short distance travels are more difficult for you to handle, either because there is just too much to do or you simply don’t have the patience to deal with it all.

If Venus is the ruler of the Fourth House:

Interactions with family and loved ones tend to be less peaceful right now, leading to disagreements and possibly even causing a breakdown in the cohesion of your entire relationship. Your innermost being takes on a restless and frustrated demeanor and you aren’t as mature in handling emotional distress or matters of the heart. Your home and property are not as inviting and entertaining as they usually are, and if you have guests over, arguments could ensue or you may simply regret having them visit for another reason.

If Venus is the ruler of the Fifth House:

Romantic encounters are likely to become more passionate, both sexually and emotionally, which can lead to being more physically satisfied but also increases the chance for conflict between you and your partner. Those under your authority, including children, are less likely to heed your instructions and cause you the utmost frustration by making you struggle with them over power. The way in which you express yourself lacks patience, making others view you as rude or incompetent.

If Venus is the ruler of the Sixth House:

The environment in which you work becomes more stressful, and you could be overwhelmed with tasks or have to put in extra effort to keep yourself from lashing out at others. Supervisors tend to be less forgiving of mistakes and coworkers are more resistant to cooperation, which leads to creating a bitter and resentful atmosphere at the jobsite. The responsibilities of daily life are more of a burden to you and the pressure could end up having ill effects on your physical health.

If Venus is the ruler of the Seventh House:

Business and marital relations can run into difficulties and disagreements, either because you come off as too egotistical or are simply unwilling to accept the terms of the other parties current proposal. You may not cooperate as fairly with those you usually consider to be your equals, and it is common to reject teamwork for independence for a short while. This is not a good time to negotiate deals, sign contracts or take care of any pending legal issues since you are more impulsive in your choices and lack the ability to approach things reasonably.

If Venus is the ruler of the Eighth House:

An uneasiness stirs within the depths of your being making you unable to feel at peace, and this can make it harder to accept the more depressing aspects of the mysterious nature behind your existence. Those you partner with, especially for business or intimacy, are harder to get along with and you are more comfortable with expressing your frustrations towards them. This is not a good time to draft or amend things such as wills of inheritance, tax documents or matters of joint property ownership since less patient with tedious projects and less willing to sacrifice things you feel that you have earned.

If Venus is the ruler of the Ninth House:

It becomes difficult and even aggravating to comprehend advanced intellectual and philosophical subjects, and this can cause you to have an existential crisis if you ponder upon them too deeply or for too long. Personal beliefs and dogmas are a source of frustration right now and you are not likely to be willing to listen to others opinions on matters of divinity and spirituality. This is not a good time for taking care of legal matters or long distance travel, especially if it’s for business or relationships, due to an inability to be reasonable or difficulties like delays and accidents.

If Venus is the ruler of the Tenth House:

Employers are less willing to show respect and coworkers don’t want to engage in teamwork as quickly as usual, leading to less cohesion and increased stress for you. Your work environment is harder to deal with and there is the chance you make a mistake that follows you for a while, do your best to keep a level head and not lash out due to pressure. This is not a good time to establish long-term goals or reach for public recognition since you are less practical with the things you wish to achieve and have a skewed perspective of how much you are willing to commit to.

If Venus is the ruler of the Eleventh House:

It’s harder for you to engage in socializing and group based events right now, and you tend to go against the popular opinion of the crowd. Those you rely on for support aren’t as willing or able to lend you the assistance you need right now, either because they disagree with your approach or simply don’t have the resources to do so. This is not a good time to create and review plans for your future since you tend to overestimate your potential and aren’t as down-to-earth about your potential.

If Venus is the ruler of the Twelfth House:

The ambient atmosphere of your life isn’t as upbeat as you wish it would be, and you may feel emotionally distant and wish to isolate yourself from the realities of daily existence. Confusion and frustration are common occurrences and you tend to be less patient and slow to forgive others. Your physical and mental health is generally degraded in some way, and it may be hard to find time for yourself in order to rest and recuperate your energies for later projects.