What does this mean?

How this transit might manifest.

This transit delivers a spike in vitality and concentrates the work of the mind to make it a more efficient information processor. You are better at social exchanges and blessed with the skills of wit, but might come off confusing if you are too enthusiastic. Now is the time to seek out and study the subjects that pique your interest as knowledge is easier for you to absorb. Your ability to organize things, both mentally and physically, is improved and you can take a more objective approach to structuring your life.

If Mercury is the ruler of the First House:

You tend to feel as though you have limitless amounts of energy and are more active overall, but you could have trouble sticking to a single project. Confrontations and negotiations are easier for you to handle due to increased mental prowess and more nuanced communication. Feeling talkative is common and you may have a hard time keeping your thoughts to yourself.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Second House:

Your financial awareness becomes much clearer and it is easier to account for small details, making this a good opportunity to create or revise a budget. The urge to discuss or even defend your sense of ethics can be felt and you could have some worthwhile conversations about what you value. There is a chance you get too occupied by your responsibilities and may feel as though you can’t enjoy physical comforts properly.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Third House:

The way in which you communicate takes on a more spirited and youthful essence, making conversations much more stimulating. Interactions with friends, relatives and neighbors tend to be a bit superficial but entertaining nonetheless. Errands and overactive thought patterns may keep you busier than usual, but you can get a lot accomplished if you focus.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Fourth House:

Your private life tends to keep you busier than usual and this is a great time to organize your household or other property. Interactions with family and loved ones take on a more energetic tone, but can be slightly superficial. It is common to feel restless or emotionally active, and it is easier for you to verbalize your feelings.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Fifth House:

Your personality becomes more vibrant and others tend to be attracted to the energy and influence you radiate. Those under your authority, such as children and employees, are more willing to listen to your instruction and provide better feedback about the quality of your leadership. Romantic relationships can become more lively and stimulating than usual, with conversation taking on a more playful tone.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Sixth House:

Your work environment is more interactive and socially involved than usual, giving you the opportunity to connect with coworkers. Managers and other supervisors are more willing to exchange ideas and they communicate instructions with greater clarity. Feelings restless or even nervous is common, do your best not to burn out your energy stores.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Seventh House:

Relating to others is easier than usual, typically due to an increased ability to verbalize your thoughts and lend a listening ear. Business and marital interactions tend to be more spirited and communication is more accurate and nuanced. This a great time to develop new contracts or review established documentation for inconsistencies.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Eighth House:

The urge to become more active and communicate your deep-seated emotions to someone you confide in can be felt on an instinctual level. Ambitions can run high and you may not be sure which direction to go in, but you will have the energy to do so once you decide. Those who you partner with for mutual gain are more willing to interact and consider your ideas, use this opportunity to discuss things that are important to you both.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Ninth House:

The urge to discuss philosophical concepts and other academic subjects is stronger than usual, making this a great time for engaging conversation. This is a great time to exchange ideas with others, especially concerning business and political issues. Travel is overall more stimulating and tends to operate smoothly, take advantage of it.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Tenth House:

The public side of your life becomes more interactive and stimulating, but can also wear you out mentally if you are not careful. Employers and other authority figures tend to be more socially involved and their communication is more nuanced than usual. This is a good time to set objectives and discuss your goals with those around you.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Eleventh House:

Social gatherings and other organized events are appealing to you right now, and interacting with others is more stimulating than usual. Intellectual discourse is at a high point and you tend to feel the urge to debate or discuss societal issues and the future of humanity. Those who support your endeavors are more willing to communicate and be of assistance, put their altruism to good use.

If Mercury is the ruler of the Twelfth House:

Bouts of restlessness on a spiritual level can be felt, driving one to explore the hidden meanings of life and battle the mysteries within one’s own mind. Mental overload can affect you more than usual right now, and you may need to let go and allow the mind to wander aimlessly until it is satisfied. This is a good time for studying further into your beliefs and the chance of having an epiphany is higher than normal.