What does this mean?

How this transit might manifest.

A balance is struck between your personal needs and your objective goals in life. As well as your conscious and subconscious mind, and between your heart and emotions. There is a harmony between the two leading factors in your life causing a period of easy self-reflection and instinctive reaction. Relations with the opposite sex are generally improved allowing for positive interactions. This is a great time to examine your home life and take action to improve it due to an increased ability to plan for the future.

If Moon is the ruler of the First House:

During this period of time you will find you have become more self aware and conscious of your personal needs and wants. The direction that you truly wish to take in life is a bit clearer and your will to accomplish it a bit stronger. Focus on your wants and express them on the surface of your being as the exertion of these feelings will drive you further towards your goal. You will take superficial interactions a bit more personal, so remember to let the little things go.

If Moon is the ruler of the Second House:

This time period affords you the chance to review your financial situation and adjust your methods of securing a stable income. Your emotional needs are made more clear to you causing a drive to find stability in the material realm and bring a sense of peace into your being. You are more aware of what you value in this world and are able to establish better methods of bringing those things closer.

If Moon is the ruler of the Third House:

At this time you may find that your close relatives and friends take on a increased importance to you, or you to them. The way in which you communicate with them will take on a smoother and more caring approach, especially in matters of teaching and learning. You have a better sense of how to juggle the dualistic mental realm within yourself allowing you to translate your thoughts into a more constructive explanations.

If Moon is the ruler of the Fourth House:

Your attention and emotional urges turn toward domestic matters and things that bring you a sense of belonging. Your home and any place you find rest are of an increased importance to you at this time, allowing you to evaluate their current state with an improved focus. Family matters and bloodline relations could become the center of your awareness for one reason or another. Embrace this call to your roots and learn from what it offers.

If Moon is the ruler of the Fifth House:

Those which you choose to lead and love will take on an extra measure of importance during this period of time. Your emotional self is in harmony with your sense of authority allowing you to take charge of those below you while still keeping a nurturing attitude. Your romantic side is full of soul and authentic self expression, the path from your heart to your emotions is clear and love is easily given to those who you deem deserving of it.

If Moon is the ruler of the Sixth House:

Efficiency in the routines you follow becomes more easily imagined and implemented during this time period. You may find that you need to organize things such as your work environment and the procedures you use to get things accomplished there. Your health, both physical and mental, may become the center of your attention for either a positive or negative reason. Those with more authority or experience than you in a certain field may have their eyes upon you so do what you can to appease them.

If Moon is the ruler of the Seventh House:

During this time period you will find that your relationships are of an utmost importance to you. A harmony between you and those you find to be equal to yourself will arise allowing you to express your feelings to them in a clear manner. Cooperation of all sorts will have a generally positive outcome for both parties involved even if it is not obvious at the time. Exchanges overall become more personal so remember to keep yourself in a state of emotional discipline to the best of your abilities.

If Moon is the ruler of the Eighth House:

During this period of time you may you have the need to retreat to a place of safety, whether it be in the external or the internal world. Embrace this urge and follow your instincts in order to obtain much needed rest and refuge. Privacy takes on a new level of importance as both your conscious and subconscious may feel a bit more exposed than usual. If needed express your thoughts and feelings to someone you trust deeply and allow them assist you with whatever advice they are able to give.

If Moon is the ruler of the Ninth House:

Your ability to envision and plan for the future is given a bit of an advantage at this time. Embrace this heightened sense of understanding what is possible and take action to begin a new project or adjust the course of one you are currently involved in. Traveling might be of interest to you right now, whether this be to a physical place or somewhere in your mind. Take this opportunity to explore those new places and you might find the perspective you have been seeking. If you happen to find yourself in a legal situation it is more favorable to express your opinion than to keep it to yourself.

If Moon is the ruler of the Tenth House:

The public light, especially that involving your career, is the focus of your attention and emotions during this time. Those with authority over you may be more aware of your actions than normal allowing you to either impress or disappoint them. The strain of work may spill over into your personal and home life, so take extra precaution to keep the two separate. If you work from home you may find that you cannot escape the feeling of being under pressure, so either push through and gain more ground or take this opportunity to figure out a way to distance these two worlds.

If Moon is the ruler of the Eleventh House:

During this period of time you may find that you need to call upon others around you to assist you or just have them share in your visions for the future. Social gatherings and group events should help you to find inspiration and encouragement that you are on the right path. Some may even lead you to entering into beneficial partnerships with those of a mutual ideology. Plans made or acted upon now should be favorable especially if you encounter others on similar quest as yourself.

If Moon is the ruler of the Twelfth House:

Your need for relief and relaxation has reached the point that it cannot be ignored without consequence during this time period. Take a step back and evaluate your personal need for escape and determine the best method for you to restore your spirits. Travel away to a foreign land, whether it be a physical place or somewhere within your own soul. Reconnect with that mysterious source of all things and draw healing energy from it in the form of rest. If you are struck with inspiration allow it to flow through you and act upon its insight once you feel rejuvenated.