What does this mean?

How this transit might manifest.

The forces of momentum and balance meet up in a synergistic harmony to provide you with that perfect medium of drive coupled with rhythm that we all strive to have in our day-to-day exertions. The act of give and take becomes second nature to you and this makes it easier to achieve equilibrium between yourself and the people around you. A greater union is realized in matters of love and lust, bringing with it a deeper connection if you open up and share your more intimate thoughts and feelings with your significant other. The desire to indulge in some kind of recreational outlet can arise, giving you the opportunity to burn off some of that excess willpower while simultaneously rejuvenating your spirits for the more mundane duties you must attend to later on. Be aware of the spark of creativity igniting within you, and utilize it to release your artistic passions if you have been needing that flash of inspiration to get you going.

If Mars is the ruler of the First House:

Your actions and decisions are less aggressive than usual, allowing you to be a dynamic yet charming figure in the lives of those you encounter. The surface of your personality is more calm and receptive in nature, giving you the appearance of a more mature and trustworthy individual, thus bolstering people’s willingness to confide in you. You tend not to be as physically active as you normally would, making this a great time to exercise your mental and emotional expressions in some type of art or craft.

If Mars is the ruler of the Second House:

You are much more capable of determining the worth of yourself and of material objects, making this a great time to buy, sell or invest in things that will better your life. Your financial situation tends to treat you well, and there is the chance that you see some type of increased income or encounter a bonus sum of money from a helpful stroke of luck. It becomes easier for you to express your personal values in a comprehensive manner and you are more passive in the way that you defend them.

If Mars is the ruler of the Third House:

There is more maturity in the way you communicate with others, and this allows you to come across as someone who is confident in their knowledge and is a greater source of information overall. Interactions with friends, neighbors and relatives tend to go more smoothly, allowing you all to engage in more substantial dialogues and actually listen to each other instead of just waiting to talk. It is easier for you to take care of errands and other short-term tasks either because you are better at handling them or just don’t have as much to do, and in some cases they can even be enjoyable.

If Mars is the ruler of the Fourth House:

Interactions with family and loved ones are more peaceful and methodical, bringing a greater sense of cohesion to your relationship and a chance to develop a deeper bond with them. There is an added layer of tranquility within your innermost being, making it easier to handle your emotions and channel them in positive and constructive ways. Your home and property are more alluring and you may wish to just lounge around in comfort and familiar surroundings for a short while.

If Mars is the ruler of the Fifth House:

You have an easier time dealing with those under your authority, including children, as they are more apt to listen to your instruction and you have more patience with them overall. The way in which you express yourself is more passive and mature, allowing you have a charming and reliable type of character. Romantic encounters tend to be much more passionate, paving the way for intimacy to grow and generate a greater bond between lovers.

If Mars is the ruler of the Sixth House:

Your work environment has a more tranquil atmosphere right now, making it easier for you to achieve your duties and putting less stress on you overall. You get along better with supervisors and coworkers allowing you to become a bit more popular and have a more enjoyable time around the jobsite. The responsibilities of daily life are less difficult to handle, relieving pressure from your life and helping you to feel healthier and get in some proper relaxation.

If Mars is the ruler of the Seventh House:

You get along better with the people that you view as equals, and it becomes easier to interact with all those you encounter since you are more receptive to what others say and do. Business and marital relations are more cooperative and constructive right now, allowing you develop a deeper bond with each other, and in the case of love, come to know each other more intimately. This is a great time to negotiate deals, sign contracts or take care of any pending legal issues since you are more methodical and process oriented right now.

If Mars is the ruler of the Eighth House:

The depths of your being take on a more calm and centered disposition, allowing you to handle stress and emotional turmoil better as well as ponder the mysteries of life with greater comprehension. There is more cooperation between you and those you partner with, especially for business or love, as you are more receptive to what they say and do, which will minimalize any power struggles that might arise. This is a great time to draft or amend things such as wills of inheritance, tax documents or matters of joint property ownership since you are more methodical and better at determining the value of things.

If Mars is the ruler of the Ninth House:

You find more security in your personal beliefs, dogmas and the practices that come with them, leading to a higher chance that you will seek internal solace by relying on your faith. It becomes much easier for you to comprehend complex intellectual and philosophical subjects right now, allowing you to ponder the meaning of existence with greater ease than you usually do. This is a great time for taking care of legal matters or long distance travel, especially if it’s for business or relationships, and there is good chance you fall in love with someone or someplace while abroad.

If Mars is the ruler of the Tenth House:

Employers and coworkers are more friendly overall and there is a tendency for them to forgive your mistakes and prop you up as a popular figure or come to you for advice and assistance. The environment in which you work is more satisfying and rewarding, people are highly likely to treat you better and you could be given a pay raise or promotion of some sort. This is a great time to establish long-term goals or reach for public recognition as you are better at determining what is possible as well as more charming than usual.

If Mars is the ruler of the Eleventh House:

You receive a greater level of cooperation from those you rely on for support, since they are more willing and able to help due to their understanding of your intentions or ability to spare the resources you need. Socializing and other group based events are more rewarding right now, and this stems from your ability to interact with the public better and easily gain popularity by doing so. This is a great time to create and review plans for your future since you are more skilled in determining your own potential as well as more practical in the way you set your goals.

If Mars is the ruler of the Twelfth House:

The ambient atmosphere surrounding your life is more tranquil and nonchalant right now, which allows you to take a step back from the world and reevaluate your place in existence. Exploration of something foreign leads to a greater sense of peace and stability, whether it be in your imagination or somewhere in the material realm. Your physical and mental health is generally better in some way, and it is easier for you to lock yourself away in isolation and get rest in order to recuperate your energy stores for when you need them.