Saturn In Aquarius, And The Four Horsemen Of The Infodemic (Part Two)

“We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic”
-World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus

Not only is there a particularly bad virus going around, there is some particularly dangerous misinformation floating around on the internet about it. In Part One of this series I covered how will meaning health based information can actually do more harm than good. This time, I’m taking one step up on the ladder of maliciousness.

THE DISINFO: Various COVID-19 conspiracy theories.

DESCRIPTION: Attempts to blame the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak on sinister, behind-the-scenes politics, 5G cellular phone service, pedophile Illuminati reptoids from the constellation Draco, and so on.

WHY IS IT SO BAD? It’s true to a certain extent that everyone’s belief system looks crazy except your own. This holds true for beliefs that seem improbable and aren’t particularly backed by any real facts… or worse yet, seem improbable but (if you twist the known facts hard enough) they will bleed out whatever you want to hear.

I could address all of the nonsensical things I’ve seen in the last week on Facebook and Twitter as far as the latest conspiracy theories around this virus. Instead, let me summarize my reaction to all of them:

Remember a few years ago when the United States government invaded and took over Texas under the guise of operation Jade Helm? Do you remember Obama taking everyone’s guns away and rounding people up into FEMA concentration camps?

No. Neither do I, because it never happened. So much for conspiracy theories.

To me, the main harm of leaning into conspiracy theories about this virus comes from two directions. One of them is that if you find you distrust news from the mainstream media, it won’t take too long before you start distrusting common-sense infection control: things like washing your hands and staying away from people.

Second, and perhaps most important? Constant fear of large dark invisible forces ruining your life is bad for morale at the best of times. But especially now, when we really do have a large dark invisible force attacking us. Except of course, that force actually does exist, and can actually be defeated using common sense. The COVID-19 coronavirus doesn’t care if you think Hillary Clinton is using chemtrails to keep you from realizing that the Earth is flat.

NEXT TIME: The right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.