The Saturn-Pluto Report: May 27-June 2, 2019

(CLICK HERE for your introduction to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and why it is so important for many of us)

You probably already know what parts of your chart are affected by the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, but if you aren’t, CLICK HERE to visit the The Saturn-Pluto Bomb Shelter And Lounge on Facebook and we’ll figure it out!

Here are this transits affecting the conjunction this week:

By this point you may have thought that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction news is always going to be doom and gloom. Not necessarily so, and this week provides an example of that.

Venus in Taurus is approaching the magical point where it will be trine to both Saturn and Pluto. Although those aspects are not exact until near the end of the week, they will tend to make most of this week and much of next week a lot more pleasant. That transit may not solve all of your problems, but it will certainly improve things when dealing with the Saturn-Pluto issues you’ve been facing.

We tend to think of Venus as the planet in charge of love and romance. It certainly has more than a little to do with those things, but in a more general sense Venus is in charge of “sweetness and kindness.” Maybe you need a little of that for yourself lately. Maybe someone who’s been difficult will respond more to that approach. In either case Venus, Saturn, and Pluto all teamed up together make for some great and powerful results.

Here’s when the Moon will be helping (or not):

Monday afternoon and evening (Eastern Time), Moon in Pisces will be sextile Saturn and Pluto. This should prove to make those jagged little pills a bit easier to swallow.

Wednesday evening, Moon in Aries is square Saturn and Pluto, after having spent the day square to Mars in Cancer. Think you can just punch your way through your difficulties? Don’t try it.

Finally: starting early Saturday morning, The Moon in Taurus slides into a conjunction with Venus in Taurus, bringing potential for a surprisingly pleasant day. Enjoy it!