The Saturn-Pluto Report: October 14-20, 2019

(CLICK HERE for your introduction to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and why it is so important for many of us)

This week is a little like the feeling in the air when a thunderstorm is approaching, but it’s hard to tell whether it will hit your home hard, or sputter out before it arrives, or something in between. Saturn continues to close the gap with Pluto. By the end of the week those two planets will be within less than six degrees apart, and the effects of that conjunction will continue to be felt increasingly more as we approach the exact conjunction in January.

As is always the case, the effects of a major conjunction result in visible events when other smaller and faster transits act as a trigger. This week, we have two such potential triggers. One of them is the Sun in Libra, which spends the first part of the week pulling away from the square to Pluto. That might cause some agitation and bruised egos, but the real troublemaker this week will likely be Mars. Mars in Libra is a significantly slower object than the Sun… and of course (being Mars, after all) it’s significantly more tense. By the end of the week Mars will be in range to square Saturn and the Nodes. Prepare for possible tension with the people you’ve got strong, long-term bonds with.

Here’s when the Moon will be helping (or not):

On Tuesday afternoon and evening (Eastern time), Moon in Taurus provides a welcome stabilizer to Saturn and Pluto. Make peace while you can!

On Sunday, an interesting configuration comes together. On the one hand, Moon in Cancer conjunct the North Node and opposite Saturn and Pluto will likely make things tense. But maybe (despite this being the Saturn-Pluto report) it’s best to focus our attention elsewhere. Moon in Cancer on Sunday also forms a Grand Trine with Venus (and then Mercury) in Scorpio, and with Neptune in Pisces. Can you love, pray, or wish your way out of a tight spot? Maybe this will be the day when that could work…