The Saturn-Pluto Report: October 21-27, 2019

(CLICK HERE for your introduction to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and why it is so important for many of us)

This is when it starts getting serious, folks. If you’ve been following this column (or even just your own transits) for a while, you’ve noticed that effects of the Big Transits are usually triggered by other, quicker transits. We are in prime range for that over the course of the next two weeks.

The week starts with Saturn and Pluto less than six degrees apart, and this week Mars in Libra is square Saturn (with the exact square happening on Saturday), and approaches the square to Pluto. Mars square Saturn is both a time when tempers can come to a head and yet a reasonable outlet for that energy can be thwarted.

Please be careful with your feelings and those of others. Even if you yourself aren’t being affected by this particular combination, odds are someone close to you is getting hit hard.

Here’s when the Moon will be helping (or not):

On Tuesday afternoon and evening (Eastern Time), Moon in Leo makes a pleasant trine to Jupiter. This may have nothing to do with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, strictly speaking… but in a week like this, you’ve got to catch all the breaks you can. Be kind to yourself.

Thursday afternoon and evening, Moon in Virgo makes a helpful trine to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Given the agitation caused by Mars this week, this would be a good time to apply some calm and reason to your situation… especially when you consider that…

On Saturday afternoon and evening, Moon in Libra is conjunct Mars and squares Saturn and Pluto. I could offer a lot of practical tips as to how to handle this particularly volatile combination, but I’ll save you some time: they all boil down to “lay low.”