Saturn In Aquarius, And The Four Horsemen Of The Infodemic (Part Four)

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness.”
-Matthew 23:27

In previous instalments of the series, I have looked at the misinformation being spread by well meaning but misinformed “natural health advocates.” I have also pointed out the great amount of harm being done by conspiracy theory enthusiasts. I’ve also covered the people who have such poor self-control that they don’t even understand the concept of not spreading the disease to others through their own selfishness.

And now, the worst of the lot.

THE DISINFO: The Doom Parasites

DESCRIPTION: You may have noticed people on Facebook or on Twitter harping on about one of the previously mentioned bits of disinformation out there about COVID-19. But have you noticed that there is a small subset of people who are absolutely revelling in all the bad news? The people who would rather spread lies and feel like somehow that makes them right and everyone else wrong? Or worst of all, the misanthropes who actively seem to enjoy humanity taking a beating.

I even know of one particular loser who keeps insisting that suicide rates are increasing because of all this, but really because Neptune is in Pisces — and he seems to be taking a cruel delight in that. If Fibbash actually knew his astrology, you realize what a gross oversimplification that is. Also, if he had any research skills whatsoever, he would know that suicides were much higher during the Great Depression and both World Wars when Neptune was no where near Pisces. He’s just one example of the few but disturbed people who actually seem to be enjoying all this.

WHY IS IT SO BAD: People are frightened and morale is low… and someone is feeding off of it. Do I need to explain to you why this is a bad thing?

A virus doesn’t care that you get your jollies by keeping others frightened and demoralized. But I do. Stop it.