Calm And Rational Thoughts About The May 2021 Lunar Eclipse

Whenever a professional astrologer starts making predictions, there are two things that he or she has to keep in mind. First of all, despite all the “cookbook” guides out there, interpretation is difficult. Sure, one can spend years studying all the techniques and possible interpretations. However, putting it all together into a coherent message is the real challenge when it comes to doing a reading. Astrology is complex and so are the lives of the individuals, one does readings for.

Another factor is “expectation on behalf of the astrologer.” Suppose a client comes to you and they have been trying to have a baby, but so far it’s been unsuccessful. You see an Eclipse happening in the Fifth House of their birth chart. Eclipses bring unexpected sudden turns to one’s life, so if you see an Eclipse falling in the client’s fifth House, It’s natural to assume that “Yes. That baby is going to be coming soon.” Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. First of all, the effects of an Eclipse linger for months until the next set of Eclipses. Secondly, an Eclipse never triggers anything truly big without some other transits also triggering that event.

But Eclipses do tend to linger in the background, beyond the day they happen, almost like they are waiting for you to stop noticing transits to them. This is why Eclipses are often so much a matter of surprise. Personally, as someone who is expected to make predictions for a living, I have always thought that saying “expect the unexpected about Eclipses” sounds like a bit of a cop-out. Nonetheless, there is at least some truth to it.

So, it is unwise to reflexively hang a cut-and-dried prediction off of any one particular set of transits, especially if that transit happens to be an Eclipse. They are literally shady sometimes. Also, an astrologer has to temper their own expectations.

So that’s why I’m not going to go into great detail about how the upcoming lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius is not just a super moon, but also falls at five degrees Sagittarius, which is often called the degree of flight in astrology, five degrees Sagittarius is associated with many of the great moments in aviation history. And of course, the United States government is preparing to release their big document about the military’s UFO sightings and information. Am I excited question mark. You bet I am exclamation point.

Am I going to flat out predict that the government is going to confirm that aliens are real? No, that would be going too far. But I know which outcome I’m cheering for. And in the event I’m right? Remember you heard it here first!