What does this mean?
How this transit might manifest.
Things that require a sense of duty, ambition and responsibility are calling for your attention during this time period. You are given increased discipline and may become more accountable for your actions. Those in authority over you may interact with you more and view you as a mature individual that they can count on. The ability to focus on your goals, especially long-term ones, is heightened and you should gain some valuable progress towards their completion. If you are able to achieve your intentions it is likely that you will receive positive recognition for your efforts. Tradition and the wisdom of your elders is a great thing to seek out right now, allow them to guide you in the proper direction.
If Saturn is the ruler of the First House:
The direction in which you wish to go in life becomes clear and you are given the ambition to act upon it during this period of time. The actions you take right now will help to distinguish you from others and improve how you are viewed by the world. Your outer personality may become callous and and distant, so remember not to come off as insulting if you do not wish to.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Second House:
Your attention and energies are focused towards financial matters during this period of time. Organizing your budget, securing your personal property and earning monetary stability are things to be working towards now. You may feel set in your values and have a greater sense of self worth allowing you to defend that which you own, both internal and external.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Third House:
Relations with family, friends and neighbors take on a more mature and honest tone during this period of time. You may be busy with making connections and discussing business or legal issues right now. Seeking the advice of your elders and authorities is recommended, or if you are the authority, you may be sought out for the same reason.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Fourth House:
Interactions with family, Close friends and those who live in your home are stronger and more productive during this period of time. A feeling of tradition and being drawn to your past and your foundation is likely and you may wish to learn more about your roots. Finding physical security and emotional stability in your home and private life is easier. If you work from home you may find that you are able to get more done even if you are encountering obstacles.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Fifth House:
Your sense of character and self-expression takes on a more mature, responsible attitude during this time period. Those who are subject to your authority may gain more from your guidance as you are able to better provide them with wisdom and positive examples. Romantic relations can become more serious overall and it should be easier to judge whether or not they will be worth your time.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Sixth House:
Your work environment and those in it take on a more serious and productive tone during this period of time. Superiors may be more demanding of you but will also recognize and appreciate your efforts more than usual. This is a great time to get a professional medical examination and it is recommended to start a long term health regime such as exercising.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Seventh House:
Relations with those you view as equals are more professional and mature during this period of time. Business and marital interactions take on a new level of clarity and are more productive than usual. Cooperation with others is easier to come by making this a great time to sign contracts or develop plans together. If you are involved in legal issues they should be done ‘by the book’ and you should find favor if you are responsible in approach.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Eighth House:
A feeling of wanting to withdraw from the world and become isolated is common during this period of time. You may be lacking in ambition and it is recommended to give yourself some time to recuperate if possible. Joint ventures may require your attention or you may have a return on the time you have invested into them.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Ninth House:
During this period of time, your perspective becomes more sober and practical, allowing you a greater level of discernment. You may have to travel for business or your career in some way and the journey should be productive and methodical. Discussion of things such as religion or legal issues can be had with positive results.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Tenth House:
Your career or public life is likely to become the focus of your attention during this period of time. It is easier to get more done towards advancing in your field of employment and you might achieve some type of milestone. Those in authority over you are more open to interaction and may choose to recognize you for your accomplishments.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Eleventh House:
Interaction with your community and with groups of individuals that share a common perspective are more productive during this time period. This is an excellent time to connect and plan with those who could help you achieve your goals. While you might not find much enjoyment in social outings right now, they will serve to further your agendas for the future.
If Saturn is the ruler of the Twelfth House:
During this period of time, it is best to complete unfinished projects or return to a forgotten task with a fresh perspective. You may wish to isolate yourself from the world right now, allowing you to concentrate on what needs to done. Things that have been hidden from you may be revealed, deal with them maturely and responsibly.
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