What does this mean?

How this aspect might manifest in your life.

You have the tendency to dream as a substitute for getting any real work done. You like to procrastinate and put off difficult jobs for as long as possible, hoping they will simply go away. You have a vivid imagination which can get you into trouble because half the stuff you worry about and fret over do not ever happen. You have a need to express yourself creatively through some sort of art form or music, drama or photography, but you may lack the necessary drive, energy, ambition and desire to follow through on your plans. You are attracted to the metaphysical and the occult but there is danger waiting for you if you get involved with negative psychic practices such as Ouija boards, séances, hypnotism or mediums.

You lack willpower and you too easily succumb to temptation. Drugs or alcohol may tempt you and seemingly offer you a way out of your troubles, but if you give in, they will cause you nothing but sorrow. You suffer from delusions of grandeur and you are not very practical. You need to get your head out of the clouds and come back to reality. You are very sympathetic and compassionate and will go out of your way to help someone. But you lack discrimination and are a sucker for any kind of sob story, hence you are often taken advantage of by others. This leaves you depressed and disillusioned. You must remember, though, that no one can hurt you, use you or take advantage of you unless you allow it. You need to develop more backbone and learn how to say “NO”.

You may experience personal loss of focus and not know what you should be doing with your life. You are overly emotional, romantic or sentimental. Materialism may blind you to spiritual realities. You are extremely sensitive and need to watch which situations and people you surround yourself with. You have a heightened sensitivity to medicine also, so you need to watch your dosages of any prescribed drugs.

Because you are gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. Your fantasy life brings self-deception or deception by others. You need to become aware that you may have to stand up for your spiritual convictions and principles, even though it may involve conflict. You are easily hurt by what others say about you and many times you take the easy way out by being non-controversial. You need to learn not to idealize others, but to accept them and appreciate them as they are and not as you wish them to be. There may be danger from hidden or secret enemies who have come to you to even the score for wrong-doings in previous lives. Be careful of whom you choose as “friends”.