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Transit Moon Placements
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Transit Aspects
Sun Aspects
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Transit Sun aspects to Natal Uranus
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Transit Sun aspects to Natal Neptune
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Transit Sun aspects to Natal Pluto
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Transit Sun Opposite Pluto
Moon Aspects
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Venus
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Mars
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Jupiter
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Saturn
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Uranus
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Neptune
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Transit Moon aspects to Natal Pluto
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Transit Moon Opposite Pluto
Mercury Aspects
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Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Venus
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Transit Mercury Trine Venus
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Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Mars
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Transit Mercury Trine Mars
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Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Jupiter
Transit Mercury Sextile Jupiter
Transit Mercury Square Jupiter
Transit Mercury Trine Jupiter
Transit Mercury Opposite Jupiter
Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Saturn
Transit Mercury Sextile Saturn
Transit Mercury Square Saturn
Transit Mercury Trine Saturn
Transit Mercury Opposite Saturn
Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Uranus
Transit Mercury Sextile Uranus
Transit Mercury Square Uranus
Transit Mercury Trine Uranus
Transit Mercury Opposite Uranus
Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Neptune
Transit Mercury Sextile Neptune
Transit Mercury Square Neptune
Transit Mercury Trine Neptune
Transit Mercury Opposite Neptune
Transit Mercury aspects to Natal Pluto
Transit Mercury Sextile Pluto
Transit Mercury Square Pluto
Transit Mercury Trine Pluto
Transit Mercury Opposite Pluto
Venus Aspects
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Transit Venus Trine Sun
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Transit Venus aspects to Natal Moon
Transit Venus Sextile Moon
Transit Venus Square Moon
Transit Venus Trine Moon
Transit Venus Opposite Moon
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Mercury
Transit Venus Sextile Mercury
Transit Venus Square Mercury
Transit Venus Trine Mercury
Transit Venus Opposite Mercury
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Mars
Transit Venus Sextile Mars
Transit Venus Square Mars
Transit Venus Trine Mars
Transit Venus Opposite Mars
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Jupiter
Transit Venus Sextile Jupiter
Transit Venus Square Jupiter
Transit Venus Trine Jupiter
Transit Venus Opposite Jupiter
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Saturn
Transit Venus Sextile Saturn
Transit Venus Square Saturn
Transit Venus Trine Saturn
Transit Venus Opposite Saturn
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Uranus
Transit Venus Sextile Uranus
Transit Venus Square Uranus
Transit Venus Trine Uranus
Transit Venus Opposite Uranus
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Neptune
Transit Venus Sextile Neptune
Transit Venus Square Neptune
Transit Venus Trine Neptune
Transit Venus Opposite Neptune
Transit Venus aspects to Natal Pluto
Transit Venus Sextile Pluto
Transit Venus Square Pluto
Transit Venus Trine Pluto
Transit Venus Opposite Pluto
Mars Aspects
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Sun
Transit Mars Sextile Sun
Transit Mars Square Sun
Transit Mars Trine Sun
Transit Mars Opposite Sun
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Moon
Transit Mars Sextile Moon
Transit Mars Square Moon
Transit Mars Trine Moon
Transit Mars Opposite Moon
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Mercury
Transit Mars Sextile Mercury
Transit Mars Square Mercury
Transit Mars Trine Mercury
Transit Mars Opposite Mercury
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Venus
Transit Mars Sextile Venus
Transit Mars Square Venus
Transit Mars Trine Venus
Transit Mars Opposite Venus
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Jupiter
Transit Mars Sextile Jupiter
Transit Mars Square Jupiter
Transit Mars Trine Jupiter
Transit Mars Opposite Jupiter
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Saturn
Transit Mars Sextile Saturn
Transit Mars Square Saturn
Transit Mars Trine Saturn
Transit Mars Opposite Saturn
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Uranus
Transit Mars Sextile Uranus
Transit Mars Square Uranus
Transit Mars Trine Uranus
Transit Mars Opposite Uranus
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Neptune
Transit Mars Sextile Neptune
Transit Mars Square Neptune
Transit Mars Trine Neptune
Transit Mars Opposite Neptune
Transit Mars aspects to Natal Pluto
Transit Mars Sextile Pluto
Transit Mars Square Pluto
Transit Mars Trine Pluto
Transit Mars Opposite Pluto
Jupiter Aspects
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Sun
Transit Transit Jupiter Sextile Natal Sun
Transit Jupiter Square Sun
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Moon
Transit Jupiter Sextile Moon
Transit Jupiter Square Moon
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Mercury
Transit Jupiter Sextile Mercury
Transit Jupiter Square Mercury
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Venus
Transit Jupiter Sextile Venus
Transit Jupiter Square Venus
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Mars
Transit Jupiter Sextile Mars
Transit Jupiter Square Mars
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Saturn
Transit Jupiter Sextile Saturn
Transit Jupiter Square Saturn
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Uranus
Transit Jupiter Sextile Uranus
Transit Jupiter Square Uranus
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Neptune
Transit Jupiter Sextile Neptune
Transit Jupiter Square Neptune
Transit Jupiter aspects to Natal Pluto
Transit Jupiter Sextile Pluto
Transit Jupiter Square Pluto
Saturn Aspects
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Sun
Transit Saturn Sextile Sun
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Moon
Transit Saturn Sextile Moon
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Mercury
Transit Saturn Sextile Mercury
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Venus
Transit Saturn Sextile Venus
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Mars
Transit Saturn Sextile Mars
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Jupiter
Transit Saturn Sextile Jupiter
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Uranus
Transit Saturn Sextile Uranus
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Neptune
Transit Saturn Sextile Neptune
Transit Saturn aspects to Natal Pluto
Transit Saturn Sextile Pluto
Cosmic Map Lines
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Sun Descendant Line
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Sun on the IC Line
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