Astrology And Prediction, Part Two: When It Goes Wrong

Last time, I discussed the art of using astrology to make predictions. Specifically, I referred to astrologers who tend not to make predictions. Based on a recent online conversation in a group of astrologers, it seems that some astrologers have given up on predictive work because they found it wasn’t working for them.

Today I’d like to look at some of the reasons that predictions by an otherwise competent astrologer can go astray.


This one is the easiest to understand. If you are relatively new to astrology, you’ve still got plenty to learn. Come to think of it, even if you’ve been doing it your entire life, you’ve still got plenty to learn. And if you’ve been doing well with it and it seems like you’re getting a handle on it, but then you make a major blunder? That can hurt even more then just a major blunder itself would.


If an astrologer were to take a look at my birth chart and my transits and say “wow you’ve got some great stuff happening next month for athletics! You’re going to win at the Olympics!” I would know that astrologer is wrong for two very good reasons.

One is that the Olympics are not happening next month. The other is that the sport I have trained at for my entire life (shouting sarcastic comebacks at television commercials) is not an Olympic event. Having said that: maybe that astrologer could have said something like “hey, maybe next month you should start using your exercycle for something other than hanging laundry on it.”


Suppose a client is concerned about the state of her marriage. Her husband has been spending a lot of time at work and his seem kind of distant lately. Is he cheating on her? Is he going to cheat on her? If the husband has, let’s say Moon in Virgo, and the astrologer just recently had a painful breakup with a cheating moon in Virgo person, that astrologer is probably more likely than usual to see bad news. If on the other hand, that astrologer is madly in love with someone who has Moon in Virgo? That astrologer is probably a lot more likely to say everything is absolutely fine, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Both of these kind of ignore the point. That astrologer should probably be looking for stressful transits on the relationship. Whether or not the husband is cheating, the client is obviously experiencing concern. Look for transits that indicate when the trouble started and when it might. Don’t try to be a mind reader.


Nobody is perfect, and objectivity is difficult. This is why I recommend that even professional astrologers get a reading from another astrologer sometime.

NEXT TIME: We are all doomed to failure, and I have mathematical proof! Well, okay. I’m being over-dramatic. The urge to be over-dramatic can make for some astrological mistakes as well.