Astrology, Fraud, And Jim Bakker

“For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
-1 Timothy 6:10

Jim Bakker is one of those Christian ministers who tends to give the rest of the lot a bad name — and it has happened again just recently.

What’s interesting abut his birth chart and transits is that every time a major scandal hits, the transits are hitting his natal Venus. Jim was born January 2nd 1940 at 11 AM in Muskegon Heights, Michigan. He has Jupiter, Saturn, and the South Node in Aries in his Second House (“money”), ruled by his Mars in Pisces at the powerful 29th degree. This would indicate a certain strong fondness for cash.

But when it comes to him getting caught being naughty, we need to look elsewhere. He also has a prominent Venus-Uranus square, with Venus in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, That’s what we call a “mutual reception.” It’s when two planets aspect each other from Signs ruled by the other planet (Uranus rules Aquarius and Venus rules Taurus).

He is best known for a major financial scandal and an affair (both of those could be considered to be Venus-related matters). And each time he found himself in trouble, there was a major aspect to his natal Venus messing with him.

Venus has a lot to do with “love,” although in this case the use of the word “love” is kind of questionable. It was in May 1987 when he tearfully confessed on national television that he’d had an affair with parishioner Jessica Hawn. That got Bakker defrocked — but it didn’t stop him from preaching anyway.

Let’s get back to that whole “love of money” thing now, shall we? He was convicted of ripping off his followers in a real estate scheme to the tune of 158 million dollars in October 1989 over a real estate scam. His natal Venus was again involved: specifically, it was receiving a close square from transiting Pluto in Scorpio .

You’d like to think that would be enough lessons for one lifetime, wouldn’t you? But… no.

With transiting Uranus square his natal Venus, Saturn conjunct this, Jim Bakker and his Morningside Missouri church have been ordered by the state of Missouri to pay restitution of $156,000 to settle a lawsuit. Bakker was selling a product called “Silver Solution” in the relatively early days of the covid-19 pandemic. It is, of course, a total scam and there’s no evidence it can prevent or cure anything.

Still pending? A similar suit in the state of Arkansas.


But: you keep doing you, Jim Bakker. You’d just better hope that your upcoming Uranus Return doesn’t bring any sort of, you know… Higher Judgment against you.