Going Off The Deep End With Venus In Pisces
Venus is now in Pisces and will be there until February 7th. This is excellent news for two reasons. First of all, since Pisces is the Sign in which Venus is exalted, this should (in theory) make everything related to love and romance and general human empathy and kindness run a lot more smoothly. Secondly, if Venus in Pisces doesn’t make love, romance, et cetera go better for you? You’ll at least have permission from the Zodiac to weep, overeat, or overspend in an effort to overcome your disappointment.
Here are the major aspects Venus in Pisces will be making next year, and what they’re good for. The exact dates are listed, but add three or four days before or after the exact event.
January 15, 2020: Venus sextile Uranus
Try something new and/or unusual with someone new and/or unusual! Go ahead, take a chance on a new experience. Venus and Uranus aren’t normally two energies you’d park next to each other at the dinner party, but when it works? Magic can happen.
January 27, 2020: Venus square Mars
In a lot of ways this is similar to Venus sextile Uranus, except a lot less stable and a lot more blatantly sexual. If you are at risk of entering an unwise relationship, better back away slowly. Or maybe at least plan your escape route beforehand. Or maybe you should — oh, to heck with it. You’re gonna do what you wanna do. Use protection.
January 27, 2020: Venus conjunct Neptune
Love is wonderful. Love is the reason why Life Itself is worth living. Love is also not known for its common sense, power of discernment, or practicality. If you are an Incurable Romantic, this could be like Christmas for you. If you aren’t? This could be more like an after-Christmas Party hangover.
February 2, 2020: Venus sextile Pluto
February 3, 2020: Venus sextile Saturn
Does your love life, budget, or diet need some repair work? This is a rare and excellent combination for laying down practical goals and achieving them. Venus is great, but on its own it doesn’t really have the fierceness to make a big breakthrough, or the backbone to survive the potential shock-waves afterwards. Pluto and Saturn lend Venus exactly those qualities.
February 7, 2020: Venus enters Aries
Okay, enough with the flowers and chocolates and dewy-eyed seduction — let’s get it on baby!
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