Language Lessons For The Twelve Signs: Aries

(There are those who will tell you that “astrology is a language.” If you know much about languages, you know that sometimes one language will come up with a word or phrase for a unique concept that other languages haven’t caught onto — but maybe should have. In that spirit, we present this series.)

The Sign: Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Word: Backpfeifengesicht (German)

Meaning: You know that smug dude who always looks like he’s smirking at you, whether he actually is or isn’t (but probably is)? That dude has Backpfeifengesicht — “a face that needs to be slapped).


NERVOUS ARIES PASSENGER: Whoa, is that guy who just cut us off trying to get us killed?

ANGRY ARIES DRIVER: I’m going to get close enough to write down his license plate number!

NERVOUS ARIES PASSENGER: Well, maybe it was just an honest mistake on his part, but — wait, look at his face!

ANGRY ARIES DRIVER: He’s got Backpfeifengesicht!

NERVOUS ARIES PASSENGER: Get him to pull over — I brought a baseball bat!