More Lies From The Liberal Zodiac About Alex Jones!

There is a report from the mainstream media outlet Austin American-Statesman that bold truth-teller (and definitely not “a performance artist” as his lawyer call him) Alex Jones was arrested last night for drunk driving after an argument with his wife.
But what are they NOT telling you?
Is this some attempt to distract us from the fact that Alex was born February 11, 1974 in Dallas Texas — but that the time of birth remains completely unknown? Are we honestly expected to believe a man could have a temper just because his Sun and Jupiter in Aquarius are closely square his Mars in Taurus? Or that a Full Moon in Virgo square his Nodes could provoke trouble with a loved one? Or that this could all came to a head when the local Descendant conjunct his Mars?
Go ahead and take The Blue Pill and believe that, just because that’s consistent with what the panty-waisted purveyors of corrupt cuckstrology would have you believe. But me? Not me, pal! I’m so angry about this that I had to drink half a bottle of Infowars Life Survival Shield X-2 Iodine to protect myself from the hard gamma radiation my rage is generating right now. You don’t believe that Infowars Life Survival Shield X-2 is just plain iodine like that laboratory test said, do you? That lab is in San Francisco, under the thumb of Nancy Pelosi!
What are you going to believe: that Alex Jones got arrested with alcohol in his blood stream, after the neighbors reported a loud fight from his residence to the police? Or are you going to connect the dots and realize that it was only two years ago that Alex Jones was calling out the evils of Hillary Clinton? That’s right. This whole thing was a False Flag arranged by Crooked Killary and the Clinton Foundation. PROVE ME WRONG!
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