Richard Branson Rides His Birth Chart Into Space!

In a historic moment for both commercial space travel and late-stage capitalism, billionaire Richard Branson launched into space earlier this morning on his own spacecraft, beating fellow billionaire Jeff Bezos by a good couple of weeks.
Richard was born July 18, 1950 at 7 AM in Blackheath, England. Although he is a Cancer with Moon in Virgo, he has never displayed any of the shyness often associated with those placements. But Richard has never been shy of the limelight. And in fact, actively cultivates his billionaire playboy image. His chart is clearly driven by Pluto conjunct his Ascendant in Leo. At 8:40 AM this morning as he was launching from his private Space Launchpad near Truth or Consequences New Mexico, the transiting Moon, Venus, Mars and Ascendant were all in Leo — with Venus and Mars conjunct his Pluto.
Furthermore, Mars is the ruler of his Midheaven, and that Venus-Mars conjunction and transiting Saturn were all making favorable aspects to his natal Mars. So — talk about a big image building moment!
I should also mention that at the time of launch the Moon was in a close trine to what astrologers call “the degree of flight,” which I’ve written about here before.
Personally, I am torn by this news. On the one hand, I have always been a huge fan of space exploration in any form… and I believe that anything that makes it more available to the average person is a good thing. On the other hand, a quarter of a million dollars US for a 45 minute trip doesn’t sound like it’s going to be a popular vacation option for many people does it?
Space exploration and the technology requires always pays off in real world advancements for us down here on Earth. However, I’d also like to point out that during the pandemic, the combined wealth of world’s ten richest people went up by $540 billion.
How have you been the last 16 months? Would you like some guidance as to where you’re headed? Want the Billionaire treatment, but on a budget! Feel free to write me about it!
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