Should You Panic About The April 2019 Full Moon? Take Our Quiz!
There will be a Full Moon at 29 degrees Libra on April 19th, at 7:12 AM Eastern time. Traditionally, a Full Moon is considered to be a time when emotions go haywire and many people feel a little bit crazier than usual, if not more so. The fact this is happening in the last degree of a Sign (which is called the “anaretic degree”) can be particularly worrisome. The anaretic degree often has a certain punch to it.
One usually feels the effects of a Full Moon a good twelve hours or so before and 12 hours after the actual exact event. During that time frame the Moon will square the Nodes, then Pluto, and then moves on to form an opposition with Uranus. That all sounds kind of risky, doesn’t it?
But should you panic? Take our fun and easy quiz to find out!
- If you have any planets in the late degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, give yourself one point.
- If your Ascendant or Midheaven is in the late degrees of any of those four Signs, give yourself one point.
- If you are easily agitated by anything on the news, give yourself one point.
- If you are not a complete hermit, and are surrounded by or in contact with any other humans who may or may not have any of the above factors, give yourself one point.
0 points: Relax. You’re going to be just fine.
1 or more points: Relax. You’re probably going to be just fine…. but you might want to consider dressing comfortably, finding a good book to read, and hiding under your bed until Saturday. You know, just be safe.
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