Some Etiquette Tips For Venus And Mars In Leo

Like many of you, I now live in a place where the post COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. On the one hand, this seems like a great relief. It’s refreshing to be able to go out and be around other human beings again. However, based on what I saw downtown yesterday, it appears that some of you need to be reminded about how to behave around other human beings.

At least in part this is probably because Venus and Mars are both in Leo right now and are within square range of Uranus. That will certainly contribute to the urge to mix and mingle, but it appears that in the last 16 months or so, many of you have become very bad at it. A Venus-Mars conjunction usually increases the urge to meet, greet, and mate — but the square from Uranus can make those urges… well, weird and impulsive.

Here are a few gentle reminders as to how to behave around your fellow primates.

The weather is warmer so people are wearing fewer and skimpier clothes than usual. This is not an excuse to hit on anyone excessively or piggishly. And no, just because you’re 40 years older than the young woman you’re hitting on does not make it cute. Not. At. All.

Although it is now permissible to gather on patios of restaurants with your friends, while drinking, you should not be arguing loudly about politics. That’s what the internet is for. Shut up and drink your beer.

And while you’re out there on that patio boozing it up, please remember that your serving staff has had just as rough a time as you have in the last year or so. Now is the time to learn how to tip properly.

There has also been a dramatic uptick in the number of intensity of public displays of affection. That’s just going to intensify under the Venus-Mars conjunction. After being isolated and now vaccinated, people are really busting loose, but there’s a time and a place for that. 2:30 PM In the front window of the toy store is neither the time nor the place.