The Astrology Of Chris Evans And His Accidental Tweet

FROM: Astrologeeks
TO: Matthew Currie
Hey, is there any way you can write up what happened with Chris Evans on Twitter yesterday (without coming out and saying it) in a tasteful manner?

FROM: Matthew Currie
TO: Astrologeeks
I’m on it, Boss!


Yesterday I posted an item here joking around about the perils that come with the current Venus square Uranus aspect. Little did I know that at around the time I was writing that, we were about to get a dramatic example of exactly what I meant.

On Saturday afternoon, actor Chris Evans, best known for playing Captain America, accidentally posted a picture of his… Washington Monument… on Twitter.

Chris (born June 13th 1981, 6:16 PM, Boston Massachusetts) has a reputation for being as wholesomely American as apple pie. Unfortunately for him it was his ballpark frank that caught everyone’s attention yesterday.

Under the influence of Venus square Uranus, any member of society can sometimes express affection in a manner that has unintended consequences. And to err is human, so I’m sure Chris Evans can be forgiven this boner.

Allow me to discuss what happened in astrological terms, without my prose becoming too turgid. When we are looking at sexual matters in the birth chart, we are most often concerned with the placements of Mars and the ruler of the Eighth House of the birth chart. In the case of Chris Evans, his Mars is in Gemini, and his Mars is in the Eighth house. That alone probably makes for a decent sex drive, but when you consider that the ruler of his Eighth House is Mercury, and that his Mercury receives a trine from his Moon in Scorpio — well, it implies that sexual expression is not exactly a weenie part of his life.

What really made things come together yesterday around the time of the tweet was transiting Moon in Cancer, being heavily stimulated by an opposition to Pluto, and both of them arousing his natal Moon in Scorpio. This, all on top of transiting Venus square his Moon and Uranus opposite his Moon. Thus, his urges made him erroneously thrust his —


FROM: Astrologeeks
TO: Matthew Currie
Okay, you can stop now.

FROM: Matthew Currie
TO: Astrologeeks
Whew! Good, because I am spent.