The Mars In Cancer Report: May 15-July 1, 2019

Mars enters Cancer today, and brings with it a shift in tone as far as your drives and aggression go. Traditionally, Mars in Cancer is considered to be a difficult placement. The moody and emotional nature of Cancer doesn’t seem like a very good fit for the aggressive warrior stance that Mars takes on things. As with any planetary placement, the real story is in the aspects formed to other planets at any given time.

Here is a breakdown of the major Mars activity now and when Mars enters Leo. These transits don’t happen in isolation, so rather than dive into the details on each aspect, I’ve divided up what you can expect from Mars between now and July 1st into two major chunks. Although exact dates for the aspects are given, you’ll start feeling the effects of each aspect several days before and afterwards. Put your helmet on!

May 22-23 (+/- 5 days):

Mars sextile Uranus
Mars square Chiron

This is a particularly unusual combination. On the one hand, the aspect to Uranus should give you an increased ability to get what you want out of life, even if new and unusual techniques are required. On the other hand, that energy may cause you to accidentally trample the feelings of others. You may also find others stepping on your emotional toes more than usual, seemingly when they should know better.

June 12-19 (+/- 5 days):

June 12, 2019 Mars conjunct North Node
June 14, 2019 Mars trine Neptune
June 14, 2019 Mars opposite Saturn
June 14, 2019 Mars quincunx Jupiter
June 18, 2019 Mercury conjunct Mars
June 19, 2019 Mars opposite Pluto

Wow, what a complicated mess this 7-day stretch is going to be!

First of all, if you aren’t yet aware of the effect that the slow and ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been having on your life (and on the lives of those around you) in the last couple of years, CLICK HERE to familiarize yourself with it. Whether the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been cruel or kind to you (or a combination of the two), there’s going to be some action on that front this June.

Mars opposite Saturn and Pluto will, for many, have a “straw that broke the camel’s back” effect. If the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been good and constructive for you, you can expect some positive breakthroughs. But if that conjunction has made trouble for you? You need to pay close attention. Yes, Mars opposite Saturn and Pluto can give you the punch you need to confront your obstacles. But you need to aim and deliver your punches with extreme care.

Mars is already in a touchy place when in Cancer, and there are three additional aspects happening that will complicate your ability to get positive results:

Mars trine Neptune is a gentle aspect, where you may find that charm, diplomacy, and/or calling on your Higher Power will get you positive results. Don’t rely on that alone though, because…

…Mars quincunx Jupiter often brings a surge of energy, but it can be unexpected, unwelcome, or unpredictable. For some people it will recharge their batteries, and for others it will be more like a power surge that blows out a circuit. That’s important to keep in mind, because…

…Mercury conjunct Mars makes for sharp thinking and sharp words. Can bold ideas and bold statements make your life a better place? Sure, sometimes. Unfortunately, it can be a fine line between “a bold statement” and “screaming at your boss for a raise until he fires you.” However you handle the energies that are hitting in mid-June, try to take a deep breath and think things through before you react.

Finally, on July 1st, Mars enters Leo and starts a new and different cycle. But we’ve got to get through May and June before that. Aren’t you glad I warned you to put your helmet on?