The Saturn-Pluto Report: December 30 2019 – January 5, 2020
We are now on the final approach to the exact Saturn Pluto conjunction, which happens on January 12th. If a conjunction has been making any trouble for you or helping you out, that day itself he’s unlikely to be the day of the big breakthrough. This is a big conjunction and its effects are spread out over time.
None the less, you are likely to feel some Big Energy building in the next four weeks, and especially in the next two weeks. Fortunately for the upcoming week, there aren’t any major planetary transits provoking that point at 22 Capricorn.
Now might be a good time for you to practice a little kindness and understanding, with both of those around you and towards yourself. this Transit isn’t going to be the end of the world, but it’s going to be producing some major shock waves for many of us as individuals, and I believe for the World at Large.
And above all, let’s not forget that this all happens with Saturn and Pluto sextile a very strongly placed Neptune in Pisces.
Here’s when the Moon will be helping (or not):
On the morning and afternoon (Eastern time) on Tuesday — New Year’s Eve — the Moon in Pisces will be conjunct Neptune. Lean into your faith in life.
If you’ve been reading these updates for a while, you know that I always give a special warning about when the Moon in Aries is square the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. That’s the case this Friday afternoon and evening, and this one comes with a little more concern than usual. That’s not only because of the closeness of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction (now less than a full degree apart). This is also because the Moon spends most of the previous day square the Sun, Jupiter, and the Nodes. Don’t let the frustrations leading into the weekend make you blow up at someone or something. Be especially cautious from 6 PM to midnight Eastern time.
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