Your Zodiac Symbol Has Changed: Leo

The Secret Masters Of Astrological Knowledge (SMOAK) have declared that the traditional symbols for all twelve Zodiac Signs will be replaced and updated effective November 1st of this year. Wait, what do you mean you’ve never heard of SMOAK? If you’ve ever once read an accurate horoscope or description of a planetary placement in the birth chart, it’s because we approved of it first. How secret are we? Working from our office in the secret library underneath the Vatican, we… or wait, is it in that underground bunker in Geneva? Mount Rushmore, maybe? Oh, who knows. It’s all Zoom meetings now anyway.

THE SIGN: Leo (July 23-August 22)


WHAT THE FORMER SYMBOL GOT RIGHT: Proud and majestic. Powerful, but perfectly content to spend most of the day lying around napping and/or mating. Generally referred to as “the king of the jungle,” even though in fact most of them live on the savannah. That’s because Leo loves the attention but isn’t so great with details. Considers itself to be at “the top of the food chain,” despite trophy hunting.

NEW SYMBOL: The Parotia, better known as the Six-Plumed Bird of Paradise (various members of the genus Parotia).

WHAT THE NEW SYMBOL ADDS: Rather than investing time and energy in raising a family, the male Six-Plumed Bird of Paradise prefers to focus on developing bright plumage and elaborate courtship dances in order to attract a mate. Upon successfully sealing the deal, the male generally moves on to its next conquest.

The female Six-Plumed Bird of Paradise , on the other hand, is not easily impressed and will often turn down all but the most elaborate displays. Nonetheless, the female Six-Plumed Bird of Paradise remains a sucker for the concept of “True Love” (despite bitter previous experience) and will keep trying anyway.