Your Zodiac Symbol Has Changed: Taurus
The Secret Masters Of Astrological Knowledge (SMOAK) have declared that the traditional symbols for all twelve Zodiac signs will be replaced and updated effective November 1st of this year. Wait, what do you mean you’ve never heard of SMOAK? That’s probably because we are a very powerful yet secret organization who, while you sleep, keep you safe from Ophiuchus. You’re welcome. Now read on Taurus, and make sure you get the new keychain that matches your new symbol!
THE SIGN: Taurus (April 19-May 20)
WHAT THE FORMER SYMBOL GOT RIGHT: Solid and steadfast, and not into the whole “immediate action” thing, unless suddenly provoked — in which case it can suddenly turn dangerously violent. Maintains a solid routine of grazing, mating, and loafing, and likes it that way. Prefers being comfortable over being adventurous.
NEW SYMBOL: The Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
WHAT THE NEW SYMBOL ADDS: As the world’s largest rodent, the capybara must continuously keep snacking in order to keep its insider from overgrowing. Not over the energetic, generally preferring to loaf around on the shore or in the water, where buoyancy makes it weightless and thus requires less effort to move.
Mostly though, the capybara is an incredibly chill creature. So chill that a wide variety of other animals have a tendency to either hang around it or even sit on top of it, or ride it around while it walks or floats down the river. Seriously: do yourself a favor and Google “animals sitting on capybaras.” You won’t be disappointed. Thus the capybara, like Taurus, can be ideal for literally and/or figuratively sharing couch space with… and both can be highly prized and affectionate pets.
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