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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
With Mars on the Ascendant, you are perceived as masculine, physically strong, and high energy. You may also come across as loud, bombastic, rash, and aggressive. Barring a divisive natal or relocated natal ascendant sign, you will appear and become more physically robust on this line. Muscles can get more toned and tighter, core strength increases as does activity.
Under a Mars Ascendant line, you will be more assertive. Confrontations and fights are more likely, and often started by you. If anyone instigated you, it’s much to their chagrin.
Sex – or the desire for it – is more prominent on this line and your appetite and stimulation for sexual conquests will increase. Sex on this line is not like sex on a Venus, Neptune, or Pluto line. It’s strictly a physical function and personal conquest, but promised to be loaded with fiery passion. You will be aware of your sex appeal, and more likely to play the field instead of forming long-term relationships.
You put up a good fight and anyone who challenges you will experience great regret. Athletic prowess improves on this line, you speak louder, more confidently, and a little faster.
There is a higher incidence of accidents on this line, the result of rashness and hastiness when you blaze through anything in your way. Healing from small wounds is faster on this line. There is a higher incidence of bleeding – whether during surgical procedures, accidental cuts, or female’s monthly cycles. Be careful around firearms, knives, and sharp objects.
This is a good line to push yourself to your limits. You’ll attract attention here. You are able to dive in head-first. Too much of anything isn’t ever good, so there’s a tendency to be frustrated with oneself and experience a lack of control over your compulsiveness.
There is a danger of pushing yourself too hard, biting off more than you can chew, or challenging the wrong opponent with unfortunate long term results.
West of the line is best to harness this energy at its maximum, as it will be in the angular house.
For better control or to turn down the volume of the line, East of the line is better, putting the planet in your cadent house. Mind you, if you like attention, it will only increase your frustration being in the twelfth house of the hidden.