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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
In locations with Mercury rising on the horizon, you will identify with the work that you do. You become known for what you do with your profession, analytical abilities, gift of gab, craftsmanship, nimbleness, and general versatility.
On this line, you will lose weight without trying because you’ll become more active and tend to make healthier food choices. Daily activities are essential to your well-being and you more intuitively blend mind and body health together. You may even look younger than your actual age.
You’ll feel younger here, in part to the extra nimbleness you get from being physically active. Coordination improves. You’ll be sought by those who are older for a younger person’s perspective as you can bridge between young and old.
You’ll be more prone to chattiness and you become a stranger to no one on this line. Motility is improved, no matter what your physical condition. There isn’t a place around town that you don’t visit. No social stone goes unturned.
You’re able to get more done in less time on this line. Some people might swear they saw you in two different places at the same time.
Abstract thinking and cognition become sharper here. Your hobbies will include working with your hands such as craftsmanship, and be distinctly your own work. You might talk a little louder here, but definitely speak faster. You’ll tend to say what you think and double speak, backtracking or changing your mind often.
East of the line, putting Mercury in the cadent twelfth house, you’ll be active, but often prefer to carve out additional time for solo activities or do them during times of the day when less people are around, such as dawn.
West of the line, putting Mercury in the angular first house, you’ll have more energy and get-up-and-go attitude.